Are you dealing with morbid obesity? Or do you want to lose your excess weight? Are you considering bariatric surgery to get rid of morbid obesity? Is surgical treatment is that much necessary?
Well, before discussing the necessity of bariatric surgery for morbid obesity, let's have a look on- what morbid obesity is? Morbid obesity is an underestimated and serious health issue, often defined as a condition where a person carries 45kg or 80% more weight than ideal body weight. This increased body weight invites number of health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension, gall stones, sleep apnoea, heart disease, and infertility.
Those affected by morbid obesity suffers a significant reduction in their quality of life. In a case, a person has suffered from morbid obesity for over five years regardless of all efforts made to control increasing weight by traditional method, than surgery is the only option they have.
The numbers of cases where patients are dealing with the overweight issue are nowadays increasing very rapidly and bariatric or weight-loss surgery has emerged as the most common procedure. In recent years, numerous private clinics have bounce up in the hope of the widespread of obesity that is starting to take hold. The situation that was once rarely found now has become a common problem for one or another person.
Probably most of the patients tried everything before opting weight loss surgery. Though treatment has become one of the effective means of dealing with overweight or morbid obesity, but don't you think surgical way to lose weight should be a last option? Eventually, the treatment is an invasive process that may include few unforeseen complications. So it shouldn't be taken lightly. In addition, the bariatric surgery is to treat obesity when it has occurred, this is not to prevent developing excess weight.
In the first place, we should need to understand why people get obese and what is the root cause behind this? What is the reason for which people get themselves to a state in which they need to carry excess weight or more than 100 pounds? Well, may be for them, food is available for free or easy to attain. The worst part is that the poor quality and cheap foods products are so easy to hold on. Additionally in such a modern internet world, people are leading less physically demanding lives. Several people are there who work by sitting only for more than 10 hours. Rapid advancement in technology and innovation has greatly contributed to the increased morbid obesity.
With these increasing numbers of people with morbid obesity, several private clinics are offering the treatment. Below are some aspects according to which the selection of patient for surgery has been made:
* Overweight for at least 5 years
* More than 15 years old and less than 70 years
* Carry more than 45kg or 80% above ideal body weight or BMI
* Failed to achieve weight lose by conservative means
* Must be healthy enough to undergo surgery
* Strongly willing to lose excess weight.
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