Child obesity is a problem in today's society. Another problem in today's society is parent-child relationships. A recent study showed that these two problems may be linked. They are authoritarian, having complete control over a child without thinking of one's feelings, permissive, not really caring what your child does either way, and authoritative, making the rules known while still thinking of your child.
The study has shown that children with authoritarian parents are five times more like to be obese then children with authoritative parents, and three times more likely then children with permissive parents.
Some previous studies of people in their 30s to their 50s found were the most common ages for obesity surgery. But among 35- to 44-year-olds in the Medicare study, more than 5 percent of men and nearly 3 percent of women were dead within a year, and slightly higher rates were seen in patients 45 to 54.
The UK has an obesity problem compared to other parts of Europe it being on the most unegalitarian place in Europe. Czechs are rapidly becoming fatter as communism has fallen and inequality has grown. China also has a growing obesity epidemic as inequality there also increases.
Studies wanted to know if parents were part of the reason children were becoming more and more overweight. Results were overwhelming it was found that five times as many over weight children were children of authoritarian parents. To create an un-bias conclusion it was also found that two times as many children with permissive and neglectful parents were also overweight.
If the government wants to teach life skills then that is no bad thing in itself, but surely there are many other ways to combat obiesity beyond dictating to children on what they can and cannot eat. Children have been eating sweets and all manner of junk food for years and the rise in the proportion of overweight children can actually be more closely aligned with the explosion of MTV, the playstation and a general lack of activity then it can to bad diets.
About two-thirds of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese and close to 30 percent of children in the country are considered overweight. The number of children diagnosed with diabetes in the U.S. has increased 10-times over the past 25 years.
Obesity surgery is usually reserved for "morbidly" obese people more than 100 pounds overweight. These patients often have life-threatening medical problems brought on by their girth, including heart trouble, diabetes and breathing difficulties _ problems that surgery can sometimes resolve but which can also make the operation riskier. Medicare covers obesity surgery if it is recommended to treat related conditions such as diabetes and heart problems. The government is considering whether to cover surgery to treat obesity alone.
There are more people today opting for surgery to fix eating disorders but really it is the opinion of most that surgery should be the last resort and other less intrusive means to reduce ones weight should be explored before the surgical option is considered.
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