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How Can We Find Who Is To Blame For Obesity

There is a constant debate about who is to blame for obesity in this country. We can blame ourselves, we can blame the media, or we can blame our parents. We can also blame the availability of processed foods that are abundant in our society. Here is a different theory.

Depression: If you are not feeling well mentally you can over eat. You don't want to feel good about yourself and you will feed the need to feel better by eating. It gives you a sense of goodness for the period you are eating it because it tastes good.

Control: You may not see it but if your life is out of control then what you eat can be a controlling factor. You are in the repetition of being in control about something in your life when you cannot control anything else. This behavior can swing the other way to anorexia as well as other eating disorders.

Learned behavior: Coming from a family that does not eat healthy and there is nothing wrong with that is a learned behavior. There is not issue of eating the wrong foods, the wrong portions and the wrong time of day is standard. No one is to blame as it is generational and no one sees that perhaps it is causing the obesity because they are a happy family.

Protection: If a person has unfortunately been sexually abused they may struggle with weight as one of their coping mechanisms. If they can control their weight by how they look unappealing in their eye to others then they feel protected from being hurt in the future.

You can easily look at an obese person and think they have no self control. But you need to see the passion behind what is eating them. By knowing why a person is feeding themselves more than they need it means they are starving for something else they desperately want. Knowing this can start a road to understanding not only for the obese person but for us as well. It's probably not the other person's fault that they're obese.
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