One can define obesity is basically as a medical condition in which excess body fat gets collected to the extent that it can cause a very adverse effect on the health of a person which might lead to the problems of reduced life expectancy as well as increased health problems. The people whose body mass index (BMI) exceeds the limit of 30kg/m2 are basically put under the category of obese person. Body mass index can be basically defined as measurement which is obtained by dividing a person's weight measured in kilograms by the square of the person's height in which is measured in meters.
Obesity is very lethal. Obese person's health is very badly affected as the problem of obesity comes with various harmful effects. Therefore it becomes quite vital that one should follow proper weight reduction programs in order to avoid any kind of degradation to your quality of life. Obesity increases the probability and happening of various unusual types of diseases, to be in particular obesity can lead to heart diseases, diabetes and osteoarthritis. Therefore, one must not take the problem of obesity for granted and let it ruin your quality of life. Obese person must attend proper weight reduction programs and follow weight loss exercises in order to reduce those extra kilos.
The reasons because of which a person becomes obese are quite many but obesity is basically caused due to a lethal combination of excessive food energy intake but complete lack of physical activity and genetic susceptibility. But it is important to state that obesity can also occur by genes. However, it is also seen that some obese people gain weight even when they eat less because of their slow metabolism rate. It is also seen that on an average energy requirement of obese people is more than those who are thin because of their energy needs in maintaining their body mass. It is quite evident that obesity leads to various types of diseases and ailments, so much so that it reduces the life expectancy of a person. Therefore, to maintain proper quality of life one must follow weight loss exercises prescribed by experts and physicians to get rid of those extra pounds and achieve the perfect body type.
The risk of various types of physical as well as mental disorders is also increased due to obesity. These co morbidities are most commonly visible in the form of metabolic syndrome including diabetes mellitus type two, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels. Therefore, one must exercise regularly and follow proper diet plan to get rid of this problem of obesity.
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