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Is There A Connection Between Obesity and Depression?

The correlation between obesity and a low self-esteem is undeniable, no matter how we try to look at it. On one hand, we know and we are aware that obesity is a hazard to the health because of the effects that it poses on the organs of the system. But alongside these physical effects come another aspect of the persona of an obese individual which is also scathed: the emotional and psychological aspect.

We see many fat and obese individuals in the media. In fact, these people are all over the commercial ads and in TV shows and in various silver screen showings as well. But then again, the fact is that these obese people are almost always portrayed on a negative light and as such, it seemingly draws out the idea that being obese is somehow related to being unwanted and unaccepted in society. The connection between proper nutrition and mental health is impossible to miss. In day-to-day activities alone, the relationship between the two facets can already be verified. A prefect case in point is how the mind seemingly has a difficult time to function and perform optimally when deprived of food.

One particular study on the effects of obesity was researched on by a group of experts in Missouri. They specifically study its impact ion children. Accordingly, they discovered that children indeed show signs of the negative consequences of being overweight as early as kindergarten. In fact, they found out that these so-called negative consequences are those that relate to feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness as well. In their study, they also realized that these consequences affect the little girls in a farther extent that it affects the little boys.

Also during the study, the researchers examined the social and behavioral development of 8,000 school-age children. They evaluated factors that have not been studied previously, including age at becoming overweight and length of time being overweight.

Another point of consideration is the realization that obese youngsters have up to 10 times the normal amount of a compound associated with inflammation, and another that helps blood to clot. Both compounds are known to raise the risk of heart attacks and heart disease in adults. Moreover, it was also seen that obese children have high levels of c-reactive protein, which is linked to inflammation, and abnormally high levels of the clotting factor fibrinogen. The said study reveals that obesity is a condition that should be viewed in a different perspective and it should also be treated cautiously, especially if the cases of obesity involve young children because as it is, the feelings and emotions of these children are already quite sensitive and fragile as well.

To the parents of obese children, our advice is for them to seek treatment for their children and alongside this; they should also provide them guidance so that they will learn to adapt a healthy and active lifestyle, thus making it easier for them to manage obesity, even at a young age.
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