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A Fatty Diet And Obesity

Trans fats are often found in packaged baked goods, like cookies or crackers. They are also in fried foods like french fries and doughnuts. Trans fatty acids, also known as trans fat, is an artery-clogging fat that is formed when vegetable oils are hardened into margarine or shortening.

It is found in many other foods besides margarine and shortening, however, including fried foods like french fries and fried chicken, doughnuts, cookies, pastries and crackers.

Oils and shortening used to deep fry yeast dough and cake batter are not included in the first deadline. Oils and shortening used to deep fry yeast dough and cake batter are not included in the first deadline.

Obesity is one of the most pressing health problems in the U.S. Despite the growing number of diets that are being touted throughout the country, Americans just keep getting fatter.

Obesity and overweight related problems have overtaken smoking and are now the single most preventable cause of illness and death in the United States! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):- "Obesity rose 6% nationally between 1998 and 1999, The increase affected all regions of the country and all demographic groups.

In the United States, an estimated 300,000 deaths annually are attributed to obesity and the carrying of excess weight.Diabetes, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, high blood pressure and amputations have increased by a staggering 33% as a result of obesity.

Trans fats, saturated fats and cholesterol are less healthy than polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Trans fat that amounts to less than 0.5 grams per serving can be listed as 0 grams trans fat on the food label. Though that's a small amount of trans fat, if you eat multiple servings of foods with less than 0.5 grams of trans fat, you could exceed recommended limits.

Nutritional Genomics is the future of nutritional science. In time, we will be able to take the guesswork out of which foods/nutrients will work best for individuals under virtually any circumstance. Nutritional treatments have been used with success in treating many cystic fibrosis patients. These treatments include high protein-high caloric diets, pancreatic enzymes, and fat-soluble vitamins.

Weight loss is a basic equation based on eating the right foods and doing the right exercises. The Icon Diet is designed from the ground up to take full advantage of this concept.

Weight loss should be mentioned in the context of CR, even though it is not the primary goal of a CR diet - if you eat fewer calories, you will slim down. Research indicates that being overweight, or carrying excess body fat, is harmful to your long term health in many different ways. Weight loss is due to a sudden drop in calories - some of this may be fat - but most will be from water loss.

Healthy living doesn't happen at the doctor's office. The road to better health is paved with the small decisions we make every day. Healthy people may not be very much affected by foods grown in distant climatic regions.
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