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Dealing With The Pain Behind Your Obesity

Obesity is a growing problem in the United States and throughout the world. Sadly, this is often the result of poor diet, overeating (including emotional eating), and a sedentary lifestyle. Our society idolizes stars that are tall and spindly, so we often look down on anyone on the heavy side.

But the truth is, obesity is a real challenge, and it comes as a result of real problems. I recently heard a sad story of a woman that was sexually abused as a child by a close family member, so to keep him at bay, she intentionally packed on the pounds to make herself repulsive to him. It worked, but she struggled as an adult to take the weight off.

Such delicate situations require empathetic counselors, friends, and physicians to get you where you want to be. The circumstances you are in are not easy, and don't let anyone get away with scoffing at your difficulties.

First, you need to identify whether you are overweight of are classified as obese. When your body weight exceeds twenty percent of the maximum healthy weight for your age and size, you are considered overweight, but you cross into what physicians call "morbid obesity," once you exceed fifty percent additional of that weight.

Those are just general measurements, but if your weight is beginning to hinder everyday functions like walking, driving, and working, you need to take some action. You should start seeing a therapist to get to the bottom of your weight issue and determine if surgery is an option or if you will be able to take the weight off without it.

Do you have some serious issues like the woman mentioned earlier? Is there a history of depression, a serious illness, or side effects to a medication you can't exchange for another? Deal with these problems.

Even if it is just caused by poor diet and a lack of physical activity, you can benefit from seeing a counselor to get you motivated and report your progress--and have someone to talk to when you need to make big decisions, like the possibility of using gastric bypass surgery to help get your weight under control.

Get yourself some cheerleaders or even a partner. It's much easier to remain dedicated when you have friends and family members to encourage and congratulate you as you go along or even someone to go to the gym with you. Take walks with your spouse or your whole family. Experiment in the kitchen to make things fun and interesting.

As you heal your heart, mind, and spirit, you will be better equipped to make clear-headed decisions about how to heal your body in order to live a full and happy life--not to fit in with society's visions of beauty, but to be healthy and satisfied with yourself.
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