It’s not news that obesity has reached epidemic proportions. What does the latest information on obesity tell us? Treating obesity is not a matter of going on a diet or doing an exercise program. In order to lose weight and keep it off, a lifestyle change is in order. Information on obesity tells us that many Americans are yo-yo dieters and cling to the hope that they will lose weight by following the latest fad diets. It’s no surprise that most people end up breaking their diets and bouncing back to their original weight or sometimes gaining even more weight. According to the latest information on obesity, we must overcome this tendency to follow temporary diets and focus on changing our habits for good.
The first step in treating obesity is prevention. It is extremely important that we set a good example for our children by eating right, exercising, and educating them about obesity. Childhood obesity research reveals statistics showing a rise in childhood obesity that is alarming and should call us to action. By teaching the younger generations about how to prevent obesity, we are taking a step towards having a healthier society as a whole.
Information on obesity shows that too many Americans are leading a sedentary lifestyle. If your typical day consists of sitting at a desk, relaxing in front of the TV, and driving around in your car, a change is in order. In order to meet the basic activity level recommendations, you need to be physically active for at least 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week. For children and teenagers, make that 60 minutes.
What does information on obesity tell us about the food we eat? The American diet is infamously unhealthy. In order to lose weight and be healthy in general, you need to eat a diet based on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. You have to be careful about eating foods that are high in calories because consuming too many calories can lead to weight gain. Many people buy fat-free or low-fat food items thinking that they are healthy but many times these items are high in calories.
So what are you waiting for? Stop leading a lifestyle that contributes to obesity and be a good example for the younger generations. Follow the tips that information on obesity has to offer and eat a low-calorie diet while following an active lifestyle. You’ll find that you look better and most of all, that you feel better.
Obesity is a serious condition that can affect everything from a perso
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