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Wrong Eating Habits and No Exercise Cause Super Morbid Obesity

Super morbid obesity is a disease of excess body fat. This type of extreme obesity is sometimes known as ‘malignant’ obesity as well. The BMI of patients who suffer from super morbid obesity is more than 50 and generally have about 200 pounds more weight over their ideal body weight. The health of all patients suffering from super morbid obesity is in great danger, as life expectancy is estimated 5 – 10 times lower compared to people of normal weight.

Health Risks

There are many serious health risks involved with super morbid obesity. It can lead to hypertension or diseases related to the heart, even some cancers, diabetes, respiratory problems and musculoskeletal disorders.


There are a number of causes for super morbid obesity. It could include reasons like a family genetic history, intake of calories, lifestyle and eating habits during childhood and adolescence, consumption of medication, depression and the degree of physical activity.

Food Habits

Urban children consume too many calories , but do not burn them through work, exercise or other activities. In the developed countries there is too much good food available which is not expensive and tasty. Restaurant food and fast foods are given preference to home-cooked meals, just because it is a matter of convenience. Activities with no physical effort like watching TV or using the computer are pastime activities.

Low-income Groups

Unfortunately, people from the poorer strata of society cannot afford to buy whole grain products, fresh fruits and vegetables as they are too expensive. Hence they go in for the cheaper foods which are unhealthy and easy for weight gain, as refined carbohydrates, fat and starch are indeed harmful.

Medical Problems

Some patients suffer from super morbid obesity as they face medical problems like malfunctioning thyroid glands or pituitary glands. Others may not be permitted to exercise or indulge in any physical activity. But too much stress indulges people to binge and eat comfort foods, which are high in sugar, fat and calories. Also, one of the causes has been termed holiday stress, where people are socializing and in the bargain eating and drinking increasingly.

In general, people sleep too little, because they have busy schedules and no time to enjoy meals at home or at meal times at all. This has resulted in grabbing a quick meal in between two jobs, which is unhealthy, because the food is rich in calories, but low in nutrition.


The main course of treatment of super morbid obesity is to eat less and exercise more. With the help of your physician, your family and a morbid obesity support group, you can definitely improve your health by shedding your weight if you want to do it. Surgery is a possible option, but the diet and exercise have to continue even after the surgery. Consult your physician and launch your journey to good health immediately.

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