It is common knowledge that among the leading causes of obesity is the fact that a person eats foods that are not conducive to a healthy life and when this is combined with a lack of exercising, obesity is the end result. Many of the foods that you eat contain more calories than your body requires and thus they are converted into fat, which is among the main causes of obesity.
When a person eats without exercising control, it is another one of the main causes of obesity since in such instances the person does not have control over when to eat and what to eat. When the situation is further compounded by leading an inactive lifestyle, obesity is all that such a person can expect to happen to him or her. Genetics too is believed to be one of the causes of obesity and when there is a history of corpulence; children can become affected and become obese since the condition is running in the family.
Another major cause of obesity is the junk food that we are prone to consuming and that too without exercising any care. This food is consumed in larger portions, and even though you cannot resist the temptation of another slice of pizza, it is going to cause you more harm than the pleasure you get from its taste.
Another possible cause of obesity is that after going on a forced diet, some people return to their old and wicked ways of eating and will relapse into living inactive lifestyles and as a consequence will then quickly put on all the weight that they had just shed. Another offshoot of dieting is that as each diet follows the previous one, the body becomes attuned to the starving methods you are employing, and thus it becomes harder to lose weight with each new attempt at dieting.
Even certain illnesses are considered as being causes of obesity though in very rare instances are illnesses such as hypothyroidism as well as Prader Will Syndrome conditions that can cause obesity. However, there are no doubts that the leading cause of obesity is the present day lifestyle that millions of people are leading. In order to prevent the occurrence of obesity, it is necessary to intervene early so that diet and lifestyle can be controlled and brought under control before things turn too serious.
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