The Brookhaven obesity clinic is located in New York and specializes in taking care of patients who are considered to be morbidly obese. Some of the patients that end up at the clinic have tried a variety of other treatments and programs with little or no success and have come to the renowned Brookhaven obesity clinic looking for help.
Brookhaven doesn’t offer easy solutions to obesity such as pills or surgery; their plan consists of a healthy diet, exercise and some counseling. The obese patients who have come to the clinic desperately in need of help live at the clinic. Motivation to lose weight is a significant factor for people trying to loose weight at the Brookhaven obesity clinic.
Patients at the clinic have such serious obesity conditions that some are at risk of losing a limb due to their extreme obesity while others have a difficult time breathing due to the excess weight crushing their chest. Some of the patients would have opted for surgery but due to their extreme obesity the risks are too great if surgery were performed. Some of the patients living at the Brookhaven obesity clinic are there due to fear of dying from their obesity problem.
The staff at the clinic believe that motivation is a priority otherwise the bad habits of overeating and living a sedentary lifestyle will persist and the patient will not be free from obesity. Like other clinics they suggest people desiring to lose weight keep a diary of all the food and beverages they consume during an average week and then take time to discuss the facts of their diet with a nutritionist or a nurse. Based on the type of foods the patients eat and the amount they consume the calorie intake over a week or a day can be calculated. Knowing the calorie intake of an individual is vital information in order for experts to assist them in losing weight.
The TLC channel has a television program that is actually made inside the Brookhaven obesity clinic. At the TLC website they provide a schedule which provides the times the show is being aired on their station and a brief description of the episode. For example, the description of one particular episode mentions an obese patient who weighs 750 pounds and is suffocating due to his extreme weight.
They claim that the Brookhaven obesity clinic has America's most obese people and the experts at the clinic are attempting to put a halt to their patients' addictive behavior of overeating before it eventually destroys them. They also mention an episode that features a 400 hundred pound female patient who breaks the rules and sneaks junk food into the Brookhaven obesity clinic. Some viewers watch the program for entertainment but surely others who watch the show are overweight themselves and might become motivated by the show to stop overeating, getting exercise and losing weight.
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