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My Keys To Gaining Muscle And Losing Fat

If you want to learn my personal keys to gaining muscle and
losing fat, keep reading because I will reveal them below.

Last night, I had the pleasure and opportunity to attend one of
Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace” seminars here in Portland, Maine.

For those of you who do not know, Dave Ramsey is a financial
consultant, best-selling author, and popular radio talk show
host. I highly recommend that if you get to see him speak in
person, that you go. He is phenomenal!!

He spoke of a couple of things that really got me thinking about
how things really work in life if you just follow certain

Now, I often go to seminars, not only for my personal benefit,
but so that I may relay any information I learn that may be
useful to my clients and newsletter subscribers in my business.

Last night was no exception.

Dave first mentioned that, if you want to achieve wealth and
become finacially independent, you must learn from other rich,
wealthy people, not from people that have their own opinions but
nothing to show for it.

I thought of this point in fitness as well.

It seems everyone has an opinion as to what should be done and
what works, but how many people have actually put it to action
and have done what they know so much about.

I can remember growing up, hearing my family doctor tell me how
important exercise was to health, yet he was extremely

So, to put Dave’s advice on modeling others into gaining muscle
mass, seek out those that have already achieved what it is you
want and copy some of the things they have done.

It worked for him in his life, where he learned certain
principles from wealthy people that worked and when he applied
them in his own life, he became a millionaire many times over.

Dave also talked about certain truths with money, laws that must
be followed if you want to achieve true wealth.

These are laws that, much like the law of gravity, occur whether
you want them to or not. If you jump off a building, the law of
gravity will occur and you will hit the ground, no matter what.

He called these laws “No Matter Whats” because they work every
single time, NO MATTER WHAT you think about them.

I though about this point as it relates to fitness and I
realized that there are also many “No Matter Whats” in the
fitness and exercise world.

I thought about many of them and that if you just followed them,
they would work, NO MATTER WHAT!

Here is my top ten list of NO MATTER WHATS for gaining muscle
and losing fat. I thank Dave Ramsey for the insight to realize
that weight loss also has many “laws” that govern it.

Here are ten I thought of immediately:

1. No matter what…if you stay positive and persistent, you
will WIN in your efforts to gain muscle.

Those people that “keep on keeping on” are winners in all they
set out to do. They may not win every single time, but it sure
likens the odds they will. So be positive and have persistence.
Besides, what’s the alternative, being negative and quitting?

2. No matter what…if you take SOME form of action, you will be
better off than not doing anything. Gaining muscle occurs by
being active. You must lift weights to gain muscle. You must
work out regularly.

Taking some form of action will get you further ahead than
over-analyzing the situation to death and not moving at all!

3. No matter what…people do not see great results because they
“know not what to do.” In order to get in great shape and gain
muscle, you must understand the HOW behind it. Educate yourself
on the principles of gaining muscle and you’ll never have to
hire a trainer again(wait, then I’ll be out of business).

4. No matter what…you must have fun in your fitness routine or
you will not want to stay with it for long. Most of you know
that optimal fitness is a life-long process. Can you imagine
doing something you do not like for your entire life? (besides
your job?) Have fun with your workouts!

5. No matter what…eating small, well-balanced and nutritious
meals or snacks every three to four hours will get your
metabolism operating more efficiently. Having a faster
metabolism is vital to long-term fat loss.

6. No matter what…progressively increasing the amount of
weight you lift over time will have a positive impact on how
much lean muscle you build. Who does not want a little more
muscle and a lot less fat. I have never had anyone tell me
“Shawn, I am all set in the muscle department, can we add a
little more fat now?” To gain more muscle, lift heavier over

7. No matter what… gaining muscle takes time. There is nothing
in life worth having that happens overnight. Do be a
get_____quick type of person.(You can fill in the blank.)

8. No matter what…you must create a synergy between proper
nutrition, moderate aerobic exercise, and intense, brief
weight-training. You must do each one well, and they will come
together to produce incredible results.

9. No matter what…gaining muscle and getting in shape requires
a lifestyle change. You cannot expect to continue those things
that got you overweight or out of shape in the first place. To
get better, you must do better. You must change your habits so
they support you, not hinder you. So cut your ties to them!

10. No matter what…if you want it bad enough, you can achieve
it. To take what Dave finished with last night, and put it into
my own weight loss and fitness terms:

Gaining muscle and losing fat is “Whatever you will it to be.”
The choice is yours. You can make it happen. Or you can quit.
The choice is “whatever you will it to be!”

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