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Women Who Lift Weights Turn Into Men?

There’s a big myth that women have to train different then men.
They don’t. They can lift weights, do the same exercise, build a
little muscle, become stronger and still be 100% female.
Building muscle isn’t all that easy right? You don’t just do
some weights and have a 21″ inch arms the next month.

My point is…

Women can do the same things as men do. And even lift heavy if
they desire to grow muscle rather then maintain.

A little muscle tone is not a bad thing right? And the only way
to grow muscle is to stimulate it. I’m not suggesting females go
bench 315 lbs tomorrow but there’s no need to grab the pink
weights and do 100 reps either while they sit there looking
unchallenged and bored.

If they are worried about a particular body part taking over and
making them out of proportion, then just hit them lightly and
focus on the rest of the body. Just maintain them. Do not push
or challenge them and they will just stay the same while the
rest of her body grows, adapts and changes to fit her desired

I see women all the time at the gym with the tiniest weight.
Because they don’t want to get big and bulky like a man. But
they also look bored and just doing it because somebody told
them lifting weights was something they should do.

Unless your one of the few females that has as much testosterone
as most men, it’s not going to happen.

A key to muscle growth is testosterone. Females do not have high
levels of it, therefore, even if they worked out like men do,
with heavy weights, she is not going to suddenly become manly,
bulky and bulging with muscles.

Granted, there are some females who do have high levels but it’s
pretty rare. Don’t worry…

Despite what you may have heard… there’s really no such thing
as toning. I’m sure to get flack for that statement but let me
explain. There’s three things you can do to a muscle.

-Build it -Maintain it -Lose it

Toning is really for most people, the process of building muscle
so there’s something to show… and once they are happy with the
appearance, they maintain it. For all these reasons…

It’s important to understand that when you pick up a weight, the
main goal is to work the muscle. If it’s not at all challenging,
then why bother? Resistance training has a purpose. To keep your
muscles healthy, your bones strong and your mobility. The older
you get, the more muscle you want as it will keep you living
healthier. And the older you get the more muscle you tend to
los’e. Another reason to build muscle thru your life and not let
it wither away because of atrophy.

But I’m getting way ahead of myself! Many women are worried
about getting bulky if they workout weight weights.

There’s a simple solution to that. How about just build muscle
until she’s satisfied with her appearance. Once she reaches that
level, she can back off and just maintain. At that point,
there’s no need to stimulate new muscle growth but you can use
resistance training to maintain an appearance.

This is where ‘toning’ comes in. Toning to me at least, means
maintaining the muscle’s natural tone thru resistance. Keeping
it in the shape it is currently.

Also keep in mind that a muscle will appear more tone when body
fat is removed from the area.

So that’s why cardio is an important aspect as well if she is
looking to lean up. But as I’ve said before, there can be such a
thing as too much cardio. So no need for marathon sessions

Bottom line…

In general women do not need any different routines then a man.
It’s the myth that has been around forever that men lift
weights, women do cardio. It’s simply wrong.

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