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The Only Way To Get Stronger And More Muscular

In this article, I’m going to show you how to add 50 pounds to
your bench press. I’ll also show you how to add more weight to
your squat, bicep curls, or any other lift.

It’s actually the only way you can get stronger or more

It’s from “progressive overload”. Progressive overload means
that you’re consistently increasing the amount of weight you use
in an exercise.

Unless this is done, the muscle stimulus from weight training
decreases and the potential to gain muscle mass and strength is

Now, back to showing you how to add 50 pounds to your bench
press, simply by following this progressive overload principle.

Muscle size and strength are related. Muscle gains always follow
significant improvements in strength. So, the key to gaining
muscle mass is to focus on becoming stronger.

When you makes steady gains in strength, gains in lean muscle
mass will follow. And the key to gaining strength is knowing how
to use progressive overload in your program.

Unfortunately, many people I see training hard use the same
amount of weight in their exercises for months or even years.
And they soon realize that after a certain length of time, their
gains in strength diminish… as well as their gains in muscle.

Let me make an important point: Big gains are made with small

You have to try and increase your strength on a regular basis.
In other words, your goal should be to make very small
increments on a consistent basis throughout your program.

So how do you do this?

Well, let me use your bench press as an example. The first step
to increase the amount of weight on your bench is to make a
conscious decision to do so.

The second step is to design a way to add weight to the bar
every week.

The only way to achieve this is to use the smallest increments
possible. Most gyms have one-pound weights. These one pound
weights are the tools of progressive overload and the true
secret to adding weight to all your lifts.

If you were to add a one-pound weight to each side of the bar
each week, for just 24 weeks, that would be an increase of
almost 50 pounds in less than a year! Simply by adding a
one-pound weight to each side of the bar every week, you will
gain more size and strength, over time, than any other change
you make.

Do you know anyone in your gym that’s added 50 pounds to their
bench presses? Probably not because most people just keep
slamming their heads into a brick wall, using the same weight,
week after week. If you added 50 pounds to your bench in just 6
months, that will be 100 pounds you gain in a year!

Small, persistent gains are the foundation of progressive
overload and the foundation of success for any lifter. Start
using the one-pound weights on your bench, squat, and deadlifts

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