Diets don’t work!!!
We all know this to be a fact but we still keep looking for the
next new diet to try.
Some diets have been around for years and are still going
strong. I’m not talking about diet plans but silly little diets.
Take the Cabbage Soup Diet for instance. This diet has been
around for at least 15 years that I know of. Does it work? Yes
it works. As long as you are eating only cabbage soup you will
lose weight.
The problem is you can’t just eat cabbage soup for the rest of
your life. Or maybe you can but it’s not likely that you will.
Eventually you have to go off this diet. You start eating like
you used to eat and the pounds gradually climb back on.
Other diets like the rice diet, the oatmeal diet, the raw foods
diet, the low carb diet, the high carb diet, and any other diet
you can think of will also work. They work as long as you are
dieting. Why do they work? Because you are controlling the
amount of calories you consume. Even if the diet says eat as
much of the food as you want, you can only eat so much rice
before you get tired of it. So you naturally eat less and less.
These diets try to make you think the foods are special and have
magic properties that make you lose weight. There are no secret
foods that will draw the fat from your cells. There are no
forbidden foods either. All foods are ok to eat as long as you
are eating because you are hungry.
As soon as you stop the diet, you are right back where you
started from.
So if diets don’t work, and you know they don’t, what do you do
if you want to take off the weight?
You have to change your bad eating habits.
Fact: If you are overweight it is because you have eating habits
that are causing you to eat more than you body needs. (Unless
you have a medical condition, of course. Most of us don’t.)
Many of these habits started when you were a child. Finishing
everything on your plate is one big bad habit. Hurrying through
your meal is another. Eating on the go will always add extra
pounds. Eating out of boredom, eating while you watch TV, eating
socially, these are all going to make you bigger.
Eating was meant as a means to sustain life. We must eat to
live. Most overweight people will eat for any reason or no
reason at all. Nothing else to do? Let’s eat! Need to kill a
little time? Have a snack! Watching TV? Grab a bowl of ice cream.
If you break these bad habits, you will lose weight. Make food a
necessary part of your life rather than the only driving force
and you will lose weight.
If you decide to go on a diet, you will increase you obsession
for food. You will think of nothing but food. You will cheat
because you can and you deserve it and you are the boss of you
and for many other reasons. Don’t go on a diet! You will only
get fatter!
Learn how to make eating a normal function in your life and you
will be the right size for you. How are you going to do that?
Change those old, defeating habits into new, helpful habits.
It’s as simple as that. Eat when you are hungry and eat what you
want to eat. Just do it right.
For free information and many helpful tips on changing those bad
habits, visit and Discover the Missing
Link in Weight Loss!
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