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Deal With Your Weight Loss Issues Today

Deal With Your Weight Loss Issues Today! With Kathy’s Coaching

On the average, one out of every five people is overweight and
at least three out of five people have at one time or another
been on some kind of diet. Some people have great results, for
others it’s a never ending battle. How many diets exactly do you
have to try before finding something that really works? Or maybe
you’ve found a diet that works for you, but you just can’t seem
to stick with it. Maybe it’s just a matter of finding the right
combination, that winning combination. Have you considered a
diet that has a little bit more to offer? How about a diet that
has some emotional back up with strategies and techniques that
will help you when you feel the urge to binge. With EFT
(Emotional Freedom Technique) and some coaching you can learn
techniques that will change your life in a positive way forever.
Results are guaranteed!

Now you may ask: “How do I know if I need coaching?” The answer
is: “You are ready for weight loss coaching if you:”

Eat carbohydrates when you are anxious, angry, or feel deprived
Crave sweets when you are under stress or feel criticized Binge
when you are lonely or bored Reward yourself with food Have
tried it all, diets and exercise, and you still can’t lose the
weight or stick with it

I can teach you, using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), how to
deal with these issues that cause you to overeat.

It is finally time to stick with your weight-loss program and
lose more weight with innovative techniques that really work.
Make a New Year’s Resolution. Unlock those internal blocks that
are keeping you from success.

Let me help by coaching you. Together we can develop an action
plan for changing destructive eating patterns and implement
strategies to insure your goals are reached.

Issues we can address during coaching include:

Cravings Fear of success, fear of failure or moving forward
Negative thinking patterns that limit your progress
Self-sabotaging eating behaviors Compulsive eating Exercise
resistance Self-image Relationships with family and money Support

Having a personal coach helps you to remain successful and to
guide you through the challenges. You will stay focused, have
the support you need, and feel in control around food.

Here is what you can expect to accomplish with coaching:

Become aware of the destructive emotions and behavior patterns
that keep you from losing weight. Once you have that awareness,
with the techniques I will teach you, you can replace the
destructive patterns with life-changing behaviors.

Develop a better relationship with food. You will understand
what you are acting out through your eating habits and how to
change your eating behavior.

Overcome the stress in your life. You will learn an attitude of
detachment that enables you to be involved with life from a
proactive rather than reactive position.

Develop a better relationship with yourself. You will be able to
define and be in integrity with your personal values. You will
also be motivated to take care of yourself physically,
emotionally, and spiritually.

You can benefit from weight loss coaching if you are
ready-and-willing to take your weight loss program to the next
level. If any of the above applies to you, then you will find
comfort in my service.

Find out if my coaching is right for you with a free 10-minute
consultation. First, I will send you a questionnaire so that I
can evaluate your situation and determine what we can accomplish

E-mail: [email protected]

Results are really what count! With my help, you too can be
Winning At Weight Loss!

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