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Weight Loss – A Case For The Radish

They sit left behind on relish trays. They’re often by-passed in
grocery store refrigerator shelves. Dad and Grandpa usually eat
them but later complain of belching them up. The poor radish has
gotten a bum rap. There are at least five different varieties;
but for now, the popular, red globe variety will be spotlighted.
They are a great source of vitamin C and an excellent low
calorie snack (only 12 calories in a half cup of radishes).
Radishes are root vegetables that are classified in the cabbage
and mustard family, thus their strong taste.

Most people eat them raw, with a little salt. If you’d like your
radishes to be a little crispier and a little less sharp in
taste, put them in ice water for a couple hours before you plan
to eat them. There are also a number of ways to cook them. Boil
a half inch of water, add the sliced radishes, and then cover
and simmer until tender, adding more water if necessary. Cook
five to ten minutes. To microwave, place a half pound of sliced
radishes in a microwave safe dish with 1 tablespoon of water or
broth. Cook for approximately four minutes.

If the taste of raw radishes is a little too pungent for some,
try them steamed. Their bright red skin will turn pink on
steamed radishes. The easiest way to steam them is to place
whole radishes in a vegetable steamer and cook over boiling
water until barely tender. Cook approximately eight to twelve
minutes. Another way to prepare our friend, the red radish, is
to stir fry them. Sliced radishes combine well with other
vegetables and meat in stir-fries. Don’t over cook them or
they’ll become mushy. Cook approximately three to five minutes.

As Cliff Claven would say, “It’s a little known fact that …”
radishes were first cultivated thousands of years ago in China,
then in Egypt and Greece. In Greece they were so highly regarded
that gold replicas were made. (Now that’s some serious radish

So the next time you walk past radishes in the grocery store or
at the market, back track a few steps and pick up a bunch or
two. Or better yet, plant some in your garden this year.
Radishes are one of the very first vegetables ready for harvest
in the spring. They will in turn, ready your soil for other
veggies! Give these little guys a chance again.

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