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Weight Loss & The First Steps To Curing Obesity

Obesity has become an epidemic, especially in The United States.
An average of 300,000 Americans die each year and nearly $177
billion is spent on illnesses related to obesity.

Obesity can affect your legs and back. It can raise your blood
pressure and even cause diabetes.

We are becoming fat and lazy, but before we can conquer the
problem, we have to start accepting responsibility for our own
actions. What you are about to read may offend some people, but
it needs to be said.

Many people suffer from being overweight. It may result from a
stocky build, slow metabolism, or some other physical reason,
but it is a fact of life for many people. They will probably
struggle with it their entire lives.

But obesity is different. A very miniscule percentage of obese
people have medical reasons for their condition. The rest of
them just cannot stop shoveling the food in long enough to see
the consequences of their actions.

How many times have you been in a restaurant or at a party and
watched an obviously obese person shoveling in the food and
drinking a diet soda? Do they think the diet soda will make all
that fat and calories go away? It doesn’t work that way.

Please understand that the following suggestions are only the
beginning of a very long and bumpy road to recovery. But even
the longest journey begins with a single step.

1. PUT DOWN THAT TWINKIE! Someone, right this minute, is
probably reading this article and eating something fattening. If
not, it has probably been less that an hour since they have last

Before they can recover from their problem, they have to admit
that they have one. And that Twinkie is the first sign. If this
is you and you feel that you absolutely must eat something, get
some fresh fruit or vegetables. They not only contain the
essential nutrients that your body needs for good health, but
some will actually burn more calories that they replace.

2. See your doctor. If you are more than 50 pounds overweight,
only a fool would recommend any diet plan until you are
medically cleared by your physician.

Your doctor can also advise you on the best programs to help you
get started.

This cannot be emphasized enough. Once you have eliminated the
fattening foods, see your doctor before going one step farther.

3. Consider seeing a counselor. Is there a deep seated,
subconscious reason for your eating disorder or are you just a
pig? The answers may surprise you.

Once you discover the reasons for your self destructive
behavior, you will be better equipped to handle them.

If you cannot afford counseling, talk to a trusted friend or, if
you are a religious person, perhaps someone at your church.

They may not be able to diagnose your problem, but they can be
there for you when you encounter those bumps in the road to

The bottom line is this. Being fit not only will increase the
likelihood of a longer life, it will make that life much more

Maybe it’s time you stopped looking for sympathy and give
yourself a swift kick in the pants.

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