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The right way to the right weight

The right way to the right weight.

People often have trouble losing weight because losing weight is
too much on their minds. They are far too strict with themselves
and too keen on quick results. Also they may be unrealistic
about what they can achieve. Many people think they are
overweight when all they are is naturally plump. Take a much
more relaxed approach to the whole affair and you will be more
successful. Don’t deny yourself the foods you like, once you ban
something you will want it all the more. And just as bad, you
may be refusing food that your body needs. Why do you think
pregnant women get desires for all sorts of ‘strange’ foods?
Because their bodies are telling them to eat what they need to
create a new life. A baby. Listen to your body and work with it.
It knows what it wants.The best way to regain correct eating
habits is to do it gradually and in a non-strict way. Never eat
with the sole purpose of weight loss. Start by occasionally
swapping your bag of crisps for an apple, your large breakfast
fry up for muesli, and instead of a bottle of fizzy pop have a
bottle of carbonated spring water. Only do it now an then at
first. The thing is to not make any of these changes a strict
rule. Strict rules are always tempting to break, and when you
break them you think you’ve hit a setback and you don’t want to
create needless hurdles. You will find that you gradually come
to like the foods that you thought you never would. You’ll be
gradually allowing your body to remember some of the other
things it likes but had forgotten about. Remember, you are not
cutting out any food – you’re just inceasing the variety of your
diet. You don’t have to follow the standard strict rules like;
Never skip breakfast, Never eat late at night, Never eat sweets
etc. etc. Too many ‘nevers’ is something you will never succeed
with. Some people never fancy food first thing in the day and a
late evening meal can be part of an enjoyable social occasion.
Let yourself be flexible. Just eat what you feel you need when
the time is right for you. Small changes add up to a lot when it
comes to reaching your optimum weight. Eating little and often
as opposed to the three (or more) meals a day regime. Chewing
your food a little more thoroughly will aid digestion and make
you feel fuller with less food. Drinking more fluids than you
do. We are not saying here that you must drink the proverbial
‘eight glasses of water a day’. Just drink, say, three extra
glasses of water a day. It’ll make a difference. Feelings of
hunger really are often just thirst in disguise. Taking a little
more exercise and being more relaxed in your day to day life
will all help. None of the foregoing are very arduous in
themselves, and are certainly not strict rules, but will provide
long term results. Not quick, but lasting. I know you’ve heard
them all before but have you actually done them and stuck with
them. They are so simple to get into the habit of. They work as
long as you don’t rush to the scales every day, looking for
results. Deal in months, not weeks or days. Don’t be neurotic
about what you eat. Of course fruits and vegetables are very
good for you and eat as much as you can of them. But don’t
forget to enjoy the other foods as well. Fats in moderation
leave you feeling more satisfied for longer and it’s not a good
idea to try to drastically reduce them. Most of us enjoy the
occasional hamburger & french fries. And imagine never having
ice cream or apple pie again? No, you need, and must allow, a
treat now and then. Where we go wrong is in allowing is letting
treats become a way of life and the way to change this is
gradually. When you are slimming without trying you’re on the
right, permanent road, to a naturally slimmer you.


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