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Ho, Ho, Holidays, Stress, and EFT

Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas, or to some, Bah, Hum Bug. The
holidays are once again upon us. What once used to be “I can’t
wait until Christmas” has now turned into “I can’t believe it’s
almost Christmas again.” For many the beginning of the holidays
means adding the word “pressure” to the top of their shopping
list. Like shopping for an item on your list that you know you
need and is out there, but just can’t seem to find. Just the
thought of Christmas can leave us feeling more frazzled than
bedazzled for the holiday season. Or some may just simply call
it plain old stress.

The beginning of the holiday season automatically places
multiple demands upon us, not to mention the already long list
of daily duties you may have. We are consumed with holiday
shopping, family gatherings, parties and the physical,
financial, and emotional tensions associated with these events.
How do we survive the Holiday rollercoaster? Thankfully, you
don’t have to hide out at the North Pole to save your Sanity.
With a little TLC and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) you can
have a happy and healthy holiday.


Before committing yourself to hosting the neighborhood bake
exchange or attending a potluck party, be sure and ask yourself
if this is really something that you want to do, or can make
time for. Don’t feel guilty about saying No! Put you, your
family, and your responsibilities first. Nothing is worse than
saying Yes, when you really mean No. One way to quickly ruin the
holidays is by doing too much. Delegate, no one says you have to
be Superwoman. Make a list of things for other family members to
do. Not only will this take some pressure off you, but it will
also include them in the holiday festivities. When you’re out
shopping, leave your packages at the wrapping tables; this
eliminates one item of your list of things to do and gives you
more time to shop. Prioritize, do what needs to be done, take
time to enjoy the things that are really important and
meaningful to you.


Workouts tend to go to the bottom of the list when you’re up to
your elbows in wrapping paper. Exercise releases endorphins, the
happy hormones which sweep away the stress hormones that develop
throughout the day. While it can be a chore to incorporate your
aerobics class into your busy holiday schedule, there are other
alternates. Try finding the furthest parking space away at the
mall; you can make a brisk walk part of your exercise routine.
Also try parking on the opposite side of the mall, so you have
to walk through the mall to get to you’re favorite store. Wear a
pedometer. Shopping for the holidays can be an exercise in
itself. Track your miles while you’re shopping for that special
gift. You’d be surprised at how many miles you can accumulate.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Use EFT to calm your nerves. Not only can shopping be stressful
during the holidays, but the urge to resist those delicious
holiday goodies that seem to stalk us can darken ones mood.
Maintaining a diet during the holidays seems to be one of the
most stressful things there can be. Always having to fight the
temptations can eventually wear you down. Using EFT can help.
When the pressure is on, just remember those pressure points,
and tap. EFT provides rapid relief and long term benefits for
Stress. Whether it is stress or a simple craving, EFT works
equally well and often works where nothing else will. Once you
have learned the EFT process, you can apply it at the onset of
an attack and, in most cases; it will rapidly “bring you down”
within minutes. For some people, a few rounds of EFT not only
rapidly dissipates a current attack but, in addition, it
noticeably reduces … or eliminates … future occurrences.

Time for Me

Make time for yourself, schedule in one hour every day to
rejuvenate your mind and body. Think of yourself as a car, when
your out of gas, you need to refuel. Take the time you need:
soak in the tub, read a good book, get a massage, or even take a
nap. The key is to do something that gives you solace. Be sure
to get a good night sleep. Sleep is nature’s own stress
management technique. When you sleep, you breathe more deeply
and slowly, your heart rate and blood pressure go down and you
replenish certain brain chemicals that affect mood.

Holidays come once a year and it’s important to be the best you
can be, not only for your loved ones, but for yourself. You too
can be Winning At Weight Loss. Best wishes for a Happy and
Healthy Holiday.

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