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The Fastest Way To Build Muscle

Want to know one of the fastest ways to build rock-solid muscle
mass naturally? It can also be called “The Secret of How to Get
Anything You Want in Life.”

A couple years ago, I learned an important principle that
literally changed my life when I put it to use.

This amazing idea allowed me to lose over 50 pounds of fat, gain
a lot more muscle mass, and put my fitness career on “warp
speed” to where I wanted to go.

Before sharing this important principle with you, let me ask you
a question that illustrates it:

If your car doesn’t start one snowy morning, would you care to
take the whole engine apart yourself to try and solve the

Probably not, you’d bring it to the nearest mechanic that knows
how to pinpoint the problem so that you do not have to diagnose
and repair the problem yourself.

That illustrates this incredibly profound yet simple principle
of one of the quickest ways to build muscle mass naturally:

Copy others!

There are people that already have more specific knowledge,
learned or acquired, than we do in certain areas in life. So why
not take advantage of what they know and what they’ve done.

You can learn from other successful people and can have anything
you want in life by copying them. You can role model others so
that you do not have to learn through trial and error what you
want to discover.

If you want to learn about investing and making money in stocks,
what would you rather do? You could spend $100,000 go to a four
year business school and then study as an intern for weeks on
Wall Street.

That will guarantee you will learn about stocks but doesn’t
guarantee you’ll make money.

Or, you could speed up the process by picking up a book by
Warren Buffet or Peter Lynch that pinpoints specific strategies
on investing and making money in stocks.

Total time spent: maybe a week.

Total price: 10-20 bucks.

Say you want to gain more muscle mass then you’ve ever had. Find
others that have exactly what it is you want and start doing
some or all of the things they are doing.

If they’re doing something you feel isn’t something you should
be doing, skip that part.

Pick and choose among many successful people some of the things
that they are doing to gain muscle, lose fat, and increase

The principle of copying other successful people in certain
areas of life allowed me to take my passion of health and
fitness to the masses, by transforming my personal training
business into a global internet presence.

If I had tried this myself through trial and error, I’d still be
learning how to turn the computer on!

It also allowed me to fast-forward my bodybuilding results by
copying certain things that natural bodybuilders were all doing.

So what does this have to do with building muscle mass fast?


If you’re unhappy about your physique in any way, you can change
it right now by figuring out what you want and then finding
someone that has already done it.

You simply copy what others have done to get similar results.

Do you have a friend that lost 30 pounds last year or a brother
that increased his bench press (naturally) by 50 pounds last
year? Ask them how they did it.

You can also learn from my trial and error.

I provide the same useful, body-changing information to people
worldwide so that they can simply copy some or all of what I
did, speeding up their results as well.

The great thing is, I didn’t spend $100,000 or 8 years to get a

More importantly, I learned how to produce results from copying
the best of the best and now I teach these common sense tips to

Bottom line, the fastest way to build muscle naturally is to
learn from and model after others that have achieved what you
want to achieve as well.

Don’t step blindly into a gym and start playing around with some
weights or start trying every machine you can find. Save a whole
lot of time and skip the trial and error.

Cut to the chase and copy what other people have done to
transform their own bodies. That is one of the fastest ways to
build muscle mass naturally!

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