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Consistency Is The Key

Okay, so we already know that exercise is good for us. We try to
work out on a regular basis, reminding ourselves that the payoff
is well worth the effort.

Still, we all have times when we ‘fall off the wagon’ and
somehow miss those exercise sessions. We get sick, there’s a big
deadline at work, relatives come for a visit, or the kids are
out of school…..there’s no end to the reasons why we take a
break from exercising.

But did you know that CONSISTENCY is the key to success in
health and fitness? It takes only about two weeks to start
losing your level of cardiovascular fitness when you stop
exercising. After about three to four weeks without exercise,
you’ll start losing muscle (losing muscle is the WORST thing we
can do when trying to lose fat!). Source: Shape magazine; June

We agree, it just doesn’t seem fair that fat ‘goes on’ faster
than it comes off and now we learn that we can get ‘out of
shape’ in just a few short weeks! Hey, we don’t write these
rules, we just report them!

So what’s the take-home advice? Stay consistent in your
workouts. Get into the gym at least three times each week. Can’t
make it three times? Two is better than none! For that matter,
one exercise session is better than none! We only really
backtrack in our fitness levels when we quit exercising

Consistency is the key, so let’s all take whatever steps we need
to take to make sure we’re getting to the gym regularly. Maybe
we need to set an appointment to work out with a friend. Maybe
we need to go to the gym early, before the day gets crazy. Maybe
we need to go to the gym late, after dinner is done and the day
is winding down. Whatever we need to do, let’s do it today.
Let’s be consistent with our exercise.

We’ll see you at the gym…..consistently!

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