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5 Ways to Cheat without Wrecking your Weight Loss Program

Healthy eating day after day can get a bit much when everyone
around you is enjoying cheesecake and chips.

You know it’s worth it in the long run but sometimes you just
want a treat.

Instead of gritting your teeth and feeling deprived when the
chocolate cake or pizza calls you name, follow these guidelines
to have your cake and eat it too.

1. Budget for it

If you’re counting calories, allow 100 – 200 calories from your
total daily calorie allowance for treats. Try not to use them
everyday and “save up” for a special treat once a week.

2. Need dessert?

If you really want a dessert, balance your indulgence with a
light main course. Eat something like a large bowl of vegetable
soup or a chicken salad so that you’re not too over the top on

3. Portion control

Now and again, have whatever you like but just a tiny portion so
you get to taste it without a huge calorie consumption. Eat your
treat very slowly and enjoy every bit. For example, a single
small scoop of chocolate chip ice cream eaten with the tip of a
teaspoon will give you every bit as much enjoyment as a whole
plateful gobbled down at lightening speed.

4. Work it off

If you really must have something, work out how many calories it
is and how much exercise you’ll need to do to work it off – then
do that exercise and earn your treat. You can do your chosen
exercise afterwards but this one normally works best if you make
yourself burn the calories first. You may be amazed how much
effort it is for a piece of cake and it will put you off
cheating in future!

5. Plan it

Once a month allow yourself a day off. Choose whatever you like
to eat but don’t stuff yourself silly. If you have been on a
program which promotes healthy eating (rather than diet
deprivation) you may be surprised at how much your tastes change
so that after a month you don’t even enjoy the junk or want it
as much as you thought you would.

Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small

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