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Weight Loss : Keep it Simple

Weight Loss : Keep it Simple

An increasing trend over the last few years has been for diet
books to make things complex.

I expect it’s because each one vies with the other to come out
with some brand new theory or other about why we gain weight and
why their diet plan is the only one to help us lose it. And the
low fat, low calorie stuff has already been covered!

My problem with this new trend is that the diets all involve
more counting and while basic maths was never a problem at
school I don’t want to use it at the dinner table to know what I
can eat. And while counting calories is one thing (most of us
are probably walking encyclopaedias by now with how many
calories our usual choices contain) the new diets are so much
more complex.

With the new diets we need to know carbohydrate counts and fat
grams, GI index and all sorts. And sometimes it’s not enough to
have a straight count we have to work out our percentage of
carbohydrates, proteins and fat (yes, follow one particular diet
and you have to balance these at EVERY meal).

Somehow I think food was not meant to be eaten like this. It was
meant to be enjoyed. Most of us know what is healthy and what is
not. Most of us know we’d be better with an apple than a cream
cake. Most of us know we need a good variety of all types of
food to feel great.

The new diets will not last. More complex stuff will come along
and it’s sad because we could all lose weight with a few SIMPLE

1. Make healthy choices for most of the food you eat 2. Vary
your choices 3. Occasionally enjoy a small portion of whatever
it is you love even if it’s high in fat or sugar or whatever 4.
Eat only when you’re physically hungry 5. Stop when you’re just
satisfied, not stuffed 6. Fill half your plate at lunch and
dinner with vegetables or salad, quarter carbs and a quarter

If everyone who wanted to lose weight just followed these simple
guidelines there would be many more successful dieters around
and a lot less hassle in losing weight.

Why not start today?

Copyright 2005 Janice Elizabeth Small

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