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Hoodia Diet Pills- Tremendous Product and Excellent Fraud!

When it comes to the matter of weight loss, peoples always
prefer tricky methods. Peoples don’t want to learn “Diet
Basics”; they don’t want to follow healthy food habit; they hate
to exercise. In fact many peoples are still looking for
overnight results! And that is the reason for 100′s of diet
pills and weight loss supplements on the market.

For decades, the diet industry has been an all natural appetite
suppressant with no side effects other than the intended weight
loss! However diet pills became very popular within shot period
of time. While many of these worked, they often came with a
heavy list of side effects. After an initial flurry of
excitement and sales, most were knocked off due to dangers
associated with their use, and some were even banned.

The latest arrival on the Weight Loss circuit is an
unprepossessing African succulent known as Hoodia Gordonii.
Hoodia was cleared for sale in the U.S. in early 2004; it has
been steadily making a name for itself as a powerful appetite
suppressant that can help you lose weight. Its popularity was
significantly boosted by reports on 60 Minutes, ABC News and BBC

As part of the BBC report, BBC’s correspondent Tom Mangold,
actually traveled to Africa to sample the hoodia in situation.
He and his cameraman, who also tested the plant, both reported
feeling pleasantly full for nearly 48 hours after eating a piece
of hoodia gordonii.

Modern research has isolated an ‘active ingredient’ known as P57
in hoodia. Though the research is still scanty, it works by
fooling the hypothalamus into thinking that there is more sugar
in the blood than there actually is.

Does Hoodia actually work?

According to Phytopharm, the company that holds the patent on
the process to extract P57 from hoodia, human subjects taking
hoodia reduced their caloric intake by as much as 2000 calories
a day. So figures are impressive. And so far the overall result
is fine.

Is Hoodia Safe?

There again, the research is far too scant to make a reasonable
decision on it. There are no known side effects – but it also
hasn’t been used outside one small tribe in Africa until the
past two years. It’s possible that there are side effects to
long-term use.

Since Hoodia is endorsed by major News resources like ABC News
and BBC News, scammers found it’s extremely easy to sell junks
in the name of Hoodia. Most of the hoodia supplements available
on the market do not contain hoodia gordonii at all! Some
contains dangerous chemicals.

Obviously it’s hard to tell which Company sells genuine products
and who don’t. However here are some tips to protect you from
Hoodia Scammers.

1) Consult Physician: Consult your doctor before taking hoodia
diet supplements (Or any other supplements). This is
particularly important for those who’ve been diagnosed with
diabetes or pre-diabetes.

2) Don’t be fooled with cheap gimmick! Hoodia is very expensive
to plant. So it’s virtually impossible to sell for peanut price.
Be very cautious if you are purchasing from “Online Auction”

3) Check Certificate: Only few companies have the right to sell
hoodia products. Although certificate can be faked, it’s
important to check it out.

4) Contact Company: If you are planning to purchase hoodia from
a well established website contact their customer care with some
questions about hoodia. Your seller should be able answer your
hoodia question if they are selling genuine products.

5) Money back guarantee: Genuine Hoodia Company’s should offer
at least 30 days of money back guarantee.

6) The Exercise factor: Genuine Company’s must say that, basic
exercise is important while taking hoodia. Don’t be fooled with
ads like “Take hoodia; eat whatever you want and lose 50 pounds
within 30 days!”

7) Ask your contacts: For your satisfaction, enquire with your
friends, colleagues and contacts (if they are overweight taken

My final words are; hoodia isn’t a magic pill. It should not
necessarily work for everyone. The effects of hoodia will vary
from person to person depends on various factors. Like any other
diet pills, hoodia should be used for short term treatment of

Again basic exercise and healthy food habit is must. Some
peoples love to eat just about anything even if they aren’t
hungry! If you are an emotional eater, don’t use hoodia; it
simply won’t work. And diet pills are not permanent weight loss

Copyright 2005, http://myhoodiashop.com – Electronic reprint
right has been granted to distribute this report for free of
cost as long as the content and author bio is remain unchanged.
For print publication written consent must be obtained from the

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