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The Psychology of Weight Loss: Part 2 – How are you motivated?

New Years Resolutions do not work because you are really not
motivated when you think you are. On the surface you may be, but
deep down you are not. That is why by April, that membership to
the gym, those new clothes and that new found motivation has all
but disappeared.

When it comes to weight loss and sticking to an exercising
program you are motivated from two emotions; fear and pleasure.
You are also pushed from two directions; internally and
outwardly. Out of the four choices there are two good ones and
two bad ones. In other words, two that will help you stick to
losing weight and two that will eventually hinder you. Do you
know which ones they are?

What motivates you to exercise? Fear of your health or Pleasure
of feeling better

What drives you to exercise? Internally vital signs or Toned
arms and legs

I best way of staying motivated is a combination of both.
However, you have to figure out the combination. I’ll give you a
hint – pure motives are not seen. I believe that the journey
goes from denying the reality of your health to a deep desire to
take better care of yourself.

What does it mean to have deep desire for something? Remember
those feelings you had back when you wanted your first bicycle.
That Barbie doll you made a fit over in the toy store in front
of everyone. Or what about that girl or boy you would have done
just about anything for? There was such a hunger, a burning in
your gut. You couldn’t even think straight, eat or sleep because
it occupied your every thought. You just had to have it!

If you want to go from denial to desire, call on the “all or
nothing attitude.” If you are going to start now, you have to
start for good. The reality is you will have good attitude and
bad attitude days for the rest of your life. But understand, if
you are going to be healthier through exercise and eating, you
are going to have to participate in some form of exercise till
the day you die. This is not a temporary fix to a long-term
problem; it is a lifestyle.

The bottom line of staying motivated to exercise and eat right
is finding a meaningful reason too, not just because you have

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