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Lose weight and Keep it off Permanently Without Fancy Diets

For years the experts have been telling us that diets do not
work, and my experience in the field for almost twenty years
confirms that. Yet every year several new fad diets and
supplements emerge, claiming they have the answer, and making
people rich.

Any diet will help you lose weight, there is no arguing that. I
have several personal friends who have lost significant weight
on the new low carb diets. Whether you can lose weight on a diet
has never been the issue. I worked for Nutri-System several
years ago and saw some people lose tons of weight. The issue has
been and always will be whether a person keeps the weight off.
Research has always shown that within 5 years, anywhere between
85 and 90 percent of people will put the weight back on after
stopping a diet.

The key here is after “stopping a diet”. Very few of the fad
diets, or the diets where you buy special food, can or will be
followed permanently. This is precisely why they don’t work.
There is also evidence that so-called yo-yo dieting is worse for
your health than being moderately overweight. Most people I know
with a weight problem have lost and gained at least 3 or 4 times
in their lifetime.

The key then is to find a way to develop a lifestyle of eating
and exercise that you will implement permanently. Human nature
will not tolerate deprivation well, so you must be able to have
some of you want, and the luxury to not do what you have to some
of the time. You must eat the things you like once in while, and
be able to say I don’t want to exercise once in while, or you
give in and give up.

For most people, making some very subtle adjustments to their
lifestyle can help immediately. Things like cutting down your
meal portions by one third, and eating slower, can make a big
difference. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator. These
little things can make a difference, and most people can
implement and maintain them without too much grief.

You have to give your body a chance to adjust over the long
term. The cells in our body reproduce themselves once or twice a
year, and when they do, they carry the memory of their
environment with them. Therefore you must provide them with a
new environment for at least that long before your body stops
fighting you.

Also remember that if you starve your body, or even just lose a
lot of weight quickly, your body is going to strive to regain
it’s original weight, and store what you take in. Again you must
give it time to adjust and fight the impulses that it sends you.
The experts know that a good rate of weight loss for keeping it
off is about 2 to 5 pounds per month. This allows the body to
gradually adjust. You can lose more than that, but expect your
body to react more.

For a full proven program to keep your weight off, click here.

Article written by Sean Harder, founder of WholeLifeGym


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