* Not walking on a treadmill everyday for 45 minutes * Its not
swimming a lot of laps * And its’ definitely not running 5 miles
The best weight loss exercise is… * Something that you like
(love) to do * Something that you can do everyday for 30-60
minutes * Something that can at least make you break a little
So that rules out watching TV, reading and sleeping. Just think
about something that you enjoy doing that requires you to move.
Do you like to play golf? If so, just play 18 holes without
using the golf cart.
Do you have kids? Play with them everyday for about an hour—they
will enjoy it and not only will you lose weight playing with
them…You are preventing them from getting obese as well. Give
your kids piggyback rides or play catch with them everyday for
about an hour.
Even activities that you may not enjoy like Yard work, gardening
or housecleaning can be done to lose weight. They are not just
chores to do around your home but they are weight loss exercises
as well.
Just do some kind of activity everyday for at least 60 minutes.
Don’t make up a workout routine—just DO something. You can start
RIGHT NOW while you are reading this article.
YOU WILL LOSE MORE WEIGHT…doing something you like (love) to do.
You will stick with it longer because it doesn’t seem like work.
Advanced tip: Do interval exercises at least twice a week to
burn more fat. Have you ever heard of interval training?
Interval training is where you workout fast or hard for a period
of time followed by a period where you workout slow or easy.
For example—You may run for a minute and then walk the next
Interval workouts should last no longer than 20 minutes but at
least 10 minutes. So if you do an interval workout you are
really working hard or fast only half the time and resting the
other half by working out easy or slow.
Here are some more examples of some interval workouts you can
do: * You can Walk or Jog up and down flights of stairs…Going up
is the hard part & going down is the easy part * You can Run a
lap around a track and then walk a lap around a track * You can
freestyle swim a lap real fast followed by a easy backstroke
swim for a lap.
Just make sure that when you do the interval workouts that the
hard or fast part is really intense. For example if you are
doing a run/walk interval—Make sure that the run part is so
intense that you just can’t wait to start the walking part.
Why do intervals? After you finish an intense interval workout
your metabolism will remain elevated hours after you finish
exercising. So for many hours after you finish your interval
workout your body is still burning calories (burning fat).
Think about it…while you are taking a shower after your interval
workout you will still be losing weight. Even when you relax to
watch TV you are still losing weight because that intense
interval workout kept your metabolism (your fat burning furnace)
running high hours after you finished working out…Interval
training keeps your metabolism elevated throughout the day so
you can burn more calories.
Interval training should be treated like weight training and be
done 2-3 times a week.
Lack physical activity= OBESITYChildhood obesity is a disease that goe
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