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How to Become a Successful Dieter

7-tip Series: How to become a Successful

What do thin people know that others do not? Here are the TOP 7
TIPS on how to “think” like a thin person, so that you can
become one…

TIP #1: Stop Dieting!!

Or at least, stop calling whatever you’re doing a “diet.” Just
the word “diet” alone is enough to make a person’s skin crawl.

Why? Because so many of us have tried special diets before
only to lose control due to the severe restrictions by which
these diets force us to live.

If we have been lucky enough to lose weight on any of these
so-called diets, then statistically MOST of us have gained
the weight back,
many of us with an extra pound or two for
good measure (no pun intended).

So what’s happening? It’s all in our minds. Diets have bad
reps, and your mind is very skeptical of dieting.

If you’ve failed at a “diet” before, you will fail at a “diet”
again… So think of healthy weight loss as a
lifestyle change
– with specific dietary changes, but
no outright restrictions. You’ll be happier, and slimmer, in the
long run.

TIP #2: Eat Your Favorite

Was that a mis-print? Nope.

I mean it when I say “eat your favorite foods”… Of course,
eating does not imply gorging oneself on chips and
, but there is nothing wrong with
these food items as long as you eat them only in

But what does moderation mean, anyway? If you listen to your
body, it will tell you when it has had enough.

If you tend to over-stuff yourself, then you are probably
eating too much!

But there’s nothing wrong with an Oreo Cookie or a handful of
Tostado Chips every once in a while.

The only problem is the quantity in which we consume these
so-called “bad” foods.

Of course, there are healthier alternatives to most snack
foods, but if you’re going to crave something sweet or salty –

Just watch how much you’re eating and stop
after one serving size
. Take what you are going to
eat, and then put the bag away. Then drink a glass of water, or
a cup of peppermint tea.

And if you have trouble listening to your body at first, start
reading the labels in order to understand how much is enough.

Mmmmmm…. Chocolate…..

TIP #3: Listen to Your

Have you ever tried to talk yourself out of eating something
sweet or salty, only to wait a few moments and end up eating it

Your conversation probably went something like this:

“Joe, you really shouldn’t eat that piece of pie. You
had a piece yesterday, and you had ice cream on it, too. Don’t
eat it – you’ll regret it.”

“Yeah, you know I did have that pie last night. I’ll wait and
eat the rest of it tomorrow.”

“But maybe it will be bad by tomorrow. You shouldn’t waste that
pie. It was so GOOD!”

“Hmmm… Maybe I’ll just have a tiny piece and save the rest for
tomorrow. How would that be?”

“Well, I guess a little piece won’t hurt.”

And the pie is on the plate with your fork in your mouth before
you can say, “A la mode.”

Here’s something to think about: Instead of trying to
rationalize with your mind as to why you should or should not
have that piece of pie, try talking with your BODY about it.

This is a new concept to most people, but
it really works.
Ask your body what it needs.

Remember, food is fuel for your body. Your body knows if it
needs proteins, fats, or carbohydrates.

Rarely will your body ask for pie. It is your mind that wants
the pie.

But a little pie every now and again won’t
hurt anything either.

Remember – Everything in moderation. The
key here is to make healthier choices MORE OFTEN.

Learn to tell the difference and to listen to your body, and you
will be on your way to a slimmer you in no time.

TIP #4: Move!!!

What do you mean “move”??!!?

What do you think of when I say the word “exercise?” I know what
I think about. I think of sneakers and shorts and beads of sweat
running down my face as I watch the aerobics instructor lead me
through a complicated routine that I really couldn’t follow if
my life depended on it. Well, I used to be able to follow those
routines, but somewhere along the way, I got turned around and I
can’t seem to follow their instructions anymore.

Exercise is often equated to “hard work.” And sometimes I just
don’t feel like exercising. Can any of you relate?

Maybe “exercise” doesn’t create those feelings for you. color=green>If so – Great! Keep exercising!

But what about the word, “move?” Movement
doesn’t have the same threatening connotations attached to it
that many people feel with the word “exercise.” I have started a
“movement program” now instead of an exercise
. What’s the difference? My movement program
doesn’t require a background in gymnastics to perform, and I
“move” as often as I can throughout the day. Movement has become
a part of my daily routine, rather than a one-hour trip to the
gym that I have to do 5 days per week (that doesn’t mean I never
go to the gym. I still do! But now I go because I want to, not
because I “have” to).

Movement means taking the stairs, walking
through the parking lot, dancing in my living room, playing a
game of pick-up basketball, stretching, sitting on my
(you know those big, colorful balls you see at
the gym or on TV?) so that my lower back is always working and I
work on my posture throughout the day.

You see, movement is easy. And it can be fun, too.

Wouldn’t you like to go take the dogs for a walk in the park,
and feed the ducks while you’re there? Or to go dancing with
some friends? Or maybe you enjoy gardening or cleaning (okay,
there have got to be SOME people who enjoy cleaning!)

Get off the couch and enjoy your life. MOVE
every day.

TIP #5: Focus on the Progress, not on
the Gap

So often when working with people who are trying to lose
weight, I notice that many of them focus on how far away they
are from their goal, rather than acknowledging the progress they
are making.

In losing her first two pounds on a program, one of my clients
said, “Only two pounds! I still have 23 more to go!” What kind
of message do you think that sends to your subconscious mind?

Instead of focusing on the 23 pounds (or whatever it is for you)
that you have NOT lost yet, recognize and
acknowledge yourself for the progress you HAVE made
This will encourage and motivate you to continue on your weight
loss path. Sometimes it’s not easy, which
is why a supportive environment, or a coach, can be a huge
benefit in your success

In any case, acknowledge yourself as often as you can.

And focus on your success!

TIP #6: Attract Your Perfect

color=green>Everything, everything, everything in our lives is a
reflection of the vibration we are giving off to the

If you want a healthy body, you can attract it, by becoming
aware of the thoughts, feelings and emotions that are prevalent
in your thinking about your weight. Everything in the universe
is made up of energy (ask a Physicist), and this includes our
emotions. If you emit positive emotions, you will attract
positive results.

If you emit negative emotions, you will attract exactly what
you say you don’t want in your life.

The Law of Attraction is a complex, yet
very simple principle that has been clearly explained by Michael
Losier in his book, “The Law of Attraction”

Successful dieters understand that their thoughts and feelings
lead to their results (your inner world creates your outer

TIP #7: Play

What does playing have to do with dieting? Everything!

If you perceive something to be hard,
tedious, boring or no fun, your subconscious mind will do
whatever it takes to take you out of the game.

But have you ever noticed that when you do something fun –
something you love – the energy of that experience lasts for
hours, if not days, after the experience itself has ended?

That’s because you have raised your vibrational energy, and
when you are in a higher vibrational state, life FLOWS with

The same thing will happen when you “play” with your food! Okay,
I know your mother always told you not to… But who’s watching?

When you take care of the part of you that wants to play, you
will naturally be more loving towards yourself – and that
includes in the food and exercise area of your life, too! So,
make a Mickey Mouse in your pancakes. Go for a bike ride in the
park, or spend an evening dancing! Whatever you do, PLAY!

Lighten up! Play is a critical factor
in your success as a dieter and your overall life fulfillment,

##### Publisher’s Box #####

© Annette Dykes, Certified Weight Loss & Life Coach, Certified
Fitness Trainer.


Annette Dykes is the Life&Weight Loss Coach at
MyPrivateCoach. She
can be contacted at [email protected]

Get a taste of coaching FREE today, schedule your first free session!

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