WINTER Weight Loss Magic
================================================== If winter
hibernation tends to pack on the pounds, take heart. There are
some simple steps you can take this winter to prevent yourself
from gaining weight. Even though it’s a “natural” process to put
on weight during the winter, it’s not all that pleasant. So
check out these simple steps to winter weight loss magic:
>> WEAR RED: The color red is pure fire energy and it will
literally melt fat. Add red to your wardrobe. For great weight
loss while you sleep, wear red bicycle pants to bed (if you have
weight around your belly and butt) or red pajamas. If you start
to get too hot or a racing pulse, just wear red during the day.
>> DOWSE: You can use your pendulum to get rid of fat by
swinging it clockwise with the intention of removing the
negative thought forms from your body that cause fat. Keep
swinging until it stops.
>> BLESS YOUR FOOD: Before you put anything in your mouth, bless
it. Thank the beings who have made your food possible, and ask
that the food to be raised to its highest vibration. Ask that
your body retain only what it necessary for you to stay at your
ideal weight. You can even hire an angel to increase the power
of your intention!
>> FIND OUT: Ask yourself what is causing you to hold onto your
fat or gain weight. You might write “What am I holding onto that
is causing weight gain?” with your dominant hand, and answer
with your other hand. The answers are usually quite interesting.
Once you address the issues at hand, you’ll have an easier time
shedding weight.
When working with weight loss, just remember the law of “as
above, so below.” Your physical weight is usually tied to your
emotional and mental baggage. Shed one and you’ll lose the
other. You can either start at the physical end, or at the
mental and emotional end. Enjoy the journey!
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