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Probably The Best Weight Loss Program Ever

Christmas is fast approaching and there are many people looking at ways of losing their excess fat now in order to be able to enjoy Christmas to the maximum. Christmas is a period of the year where most people tend to eat more food and to drink more alcohol than usual. This article describes how I went about losing weight a few years ago.

I was always somebody who had a liking to all of the types of food and drinks which are proned to increase weight, such as fast food, snacks like cholcolate, peanuts and crisps and I also used to drink vasts amount of alcohol. As a result I had an ongoing battle with my weight for most of my life.

That was until the age of twenty-one, at this age I decided to try to attain a weight more akin with my height. Even now aged thirty two, I have to be very careful what I eat as I seem to gain weight very easily. During those first twenty-one years of my life, I had tried many diets, however I was always looking for a way of losing weight without having to resort to starving myself or by having to do huge amounts of exercise. I am sure you are thinking, haven’t we all.

It was always very frustrating and annoying watching other people who seemingly ate more than me, but who were not getting fat. I used to feel sorry for myself which would then lead me to eat and drink even more as way of comfort.

Aged twenty-one, I decided to formulate my own weight loss program. I realised I had to cut out these wrong type of foods I was eating and to also drink far less alcohol. To say this was difficult was an understatement, however I knew that I had to be strong and to fight off my urges and cravings. The alcohol was especially difficult to cut down on, as I used drinking as a way of increasing my overall confidence, which at the best of times was low.

Eventually I realised that it would be too harsh on myself to cut out all of these types of food as life would not be worth living, so this was my daily food plan.


For breakfast I would be a good boy and ditch the bacon and sausage sandwiches. Instead I would eat a bowl of cereal or a couple of slices of toast.


For lunch I would also be good and eat something like a healthy salad bowl or some pasta.

In between meal snacks

Eating between meals was my biggest weakness, I realised I would have to stop doing this altogether.

Evening meal

This was the meal where I allowed myself some pleasure as I decided that I could basically eat what I wanted to, including pizza, my favourite.

For exercise I decided to leave the car at home, wherever possible, and walk to more places. I also started taking my children to the park more often. At the park we would play games such as football, cricket and baseball. It is amazing how much weight you can lose by having fun.

These things in time helped me to lose a lot of my excess weight.

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