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How to Lose Weight Once And for All!

These days what is the number one New Years resolution for 87.3
percent of the world? What is the percentage of people who keep their NewYears resolutions? If you answered lose weight and 97 percent you are correct.

When most people think of losing weight they think of doing unbelievably difficult things like going on crash diets for a long time or running 30 miles a day.

Studies show that within 3 months of going on a diet 94 percent of the people gain the weight back plus an additional 6 pounds. The big secret to weight loss is to be discipline enough to do the little things extraordinarily well so you can make simple
shifts that stack on top of each other so you get to a level where you have achieved a dream body.

By doing this you will get results right away as opposed to ten years from now. The big problem is that most people focus on the wrong things, what I mean by this is they think of stuff like what do I have to do instead of where do I want to go. By having the wrong psychology they end up building things up in their minds to be harder than they really are and don’t end up even trying.

This is called “learned helplessness” which is when you know
there is nothing you can do to improve the situation you are in.
This is never true because you can always improve your situation regardless of where you are however most people don’t believe that it is possible. The key to making it happen is writing down goals and following a plan to get there.

A way to improve your chances of getting there faster is by getting a psychological coach to help you strategize towards your outcomes. Success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. A lot of people know what to do but they don’t always do what they know.

Human beings capabilities are never ending however very few people achieve their full potential. The difference between doers and talkers is mental state and outlook. Remember it’s not can you it’s will you.

About the Author:

Charles Joseph

(561) 901-1663

A College student in South Florida. A business major who is also a life coach.

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