Obesity is always a risk factor for many diseases. Obesity affects many organs of our body like heart, lung, vascular skin, gastrointestinal, genitourinary system, musculoskeletal and psychiatric. Depression , Low self-esteem, societal rejection, lesser work, marital and sexual problems are mostly seen in obese people. It is also seen that much overweight people always suffer from bad sexual life.
Obese persons who are not able to attract sexual partners engage in normal autoerotic masturbatory activity.
In fact, a fat man should be prepared to find that his weight adds to his partner’s pleasure.
Long-term use of alcohol, nicotine, cocaine and marijuana can also lead to Obesity and Impotency. About 3% of men suffer from a testosterone deficiency, which causes impotence. An excess of prolactin, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, can cause the testosterone level to drop, thereby lessening the male sex drive.
Get rid off Obesity by Generic Meridia
Generic Meridia is a weight loss pill for the management of obesity, including weight loss and maintenance of weight loss in conjunction with reduced calorie intake. Obesity is a chronic condition where excessive body fat reaches epidemic proportions in both men and women of all ages and races. Experts agree that being too heavy is bad for your health. Many people use many methodologies for losing weight by intensive dieting, obsessive calorie counting, self-deprivation, and hunger. This type of dieting usually leads to failure.
Obestat (Cipla), Slimex (Cipla) and Sibutrex (SunPharma) are called Generic Meridia. Each Generic Meridia has the same chemical Sibutramine as in the brand name drug Meridia. Xenical is also used for weight loss. More on Generic Meridia
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