Losing weight is more to do with the mind than it does to do with exercise and diet. Don’t get me wrong on this but when the inside is balanced the outside will be balanced as well.
What do I mean by this? Well although you are human on the outside on the inside is your spirit side. If the spirit part of you is not healthy then it will show on your outside.
If you have any unhealed emotional issues and have a belief that you are unlovable, that you don’t deserve health and abundance it will reflect in your everyday life.
When you reach for food when you are not hungry you are doing it for emotional reasons. If you don’t stop and ask yourself why you are doing it then you will never stop doing it.
The next time you sit down and feel like stuffing your face ask yourself why? Or better still ask yourself what is the emotional issues I need to heal so I stop doing this. When your soul is healed you will believe you deserve health and abundance and will take the necessary steps to ensure this.
If you don’t heal the emotions you will keep this unhealthy cycle going and will never come out of denial and admit that there is a more emotional reason why you are doing it.
How do you do this? Meditation is a great way to do this. When you are about to put food in your mouth when you are not hungry, stop go to a quiet room close your eyes and feel what feeling is in your body. If you are angry feel what anger feels like in your body? Then ask yourself what feeling is under that. There is always another feeling under that feeling. Whether it be hurt, sad, depressed or whatever, there is always a feeling you have been clinging to which is surrounding you heart. While doing this a trauma, event or people may come to mind. This is the issue that you need to heal. It is a good idea to stay with the issue and resolve it with the people that have come to mind. Express the feelings that needed to be expressed at the time this event occurred. Do that while sitting there and ensure that at the end of the conversation with them there is forgiveness. Visualize them being in your head.
Underneath all these emotions is your true self. You may have a sense of going done a hole, that you are in everything, that you are consciousness itself or that you are love itself. The experience may be different for you but whatever you experience this is the core of you.
When you have healed the emotions you will have no need to overeat as you will have resolved the issue which was causing it. You will have let go of the feelings you were holding onto. The need to overeat will have come to a closure as the feelings have been healed. The cycle has come to an end.
As you gain more self love it is then a good time to look at diet and exercise but until you heal the emotions the cycle of overeating, dieting, overeating, dieting etc will continue. You have to go inside to heal what is outside, food will not do that for you.
For a detailed guide on how to lose a pound a day visit http://www.big–fat–loser.com today.
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