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Weight Loss. Tips To Keep You On Track – Part 2

Use positive affirmations to help you. There are heaps available on the net. Just put positive affirmations into a search engine and you’ll see what I mean. Write out a bunch at the start of each week. Select an affirmation at the start of the day. Carry it with you all day. Repeat it in your mind as often as you can and
put your thumb and middle fingers together on both hands (as long as you’re not driving a car !) Remember to SMILE and get that positive affirmation really happening in your life. An example: Every day is a new day. I will succeed today.
There are some fabulous courses out there to help you get focused on the positive things in life. Start to improve your self-esteem.


It easier to stay positive and on top of things if your sleeping well. Consider Tang Kuei. It’s a natural herbal supplement to help you if you’re anxious or having trouble sleeping.
Plan to wake up thinner every day. Go to bed before you start that late night snacking.

You need to think about which diet plan fits in with your lifestyle best. Say you have a hectic lifestyle. Maybe you’re not much of a chief as well. There’s no point in starting a gourmet diet if you cann’t get the ingredients and you have to read and prepare complex receipes. Go with something straight forward/effective/guaranteed to work and one that won’t leave you hungry and nutritionally unbalanced at the end of the day. Make sure you get breakfast. Don’t skip meals. This will just slow you r metabolic rate down and make it more difficult to achieve your long term weight loss goals. Oh…and remember to drink 2litres of water each day. This will help increase your metabolic rate and keep you hydrated. Your health and well being must be ensured. It’s not just a weight loss that we are after. Keep your eye on the big target which is long term weight loss.

Over 70 % of people who try to “go it alone” will fail to reach their weight loss goals.
A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor. Someone who is there to help you. Having a mentor will improve your chances of reaching your goals by 300%.
Your mentor is there for you. Being a mentor myself I know how important it is to have that extra assistance. I also know how life changing it is for people when they set out to achieve their weight loss goals AND they succeed. Lives change for the positive and it’s just brilliant to see this happening.
Don’t try to go it alone.
Get support from family/friends is essential too.

What will you eat tomorrow? Know in advance what you’ll do when the cakes come out. Have your motivations ready to go.
More on this later.

Take baby steps and focus on small targets along the way.
Find new ways to celebrate all your achievements as they come along
Celebrate each baby step attainment. “1 kg GREAT! Next week it will be another kg!”
You know where you’re going and how long it will take to get there so celebrate every BIT of success. One week at a time.

Sharyn Tilgner is a long term weight loss affiliate, Herbalife distributor and weight loss mentor. She has a passion for health and nutrition. Her aim is to help people achieve their goal weights. She is committed to ongoing personal development and is a student of Success University. http://uxl2.successuniversity.com/slim/

Read weight loss success stories at her website http://www.4-health-focus.com/shoponline
Find out what your personal body fat percentage is at http://4-health-focus.com

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