Like with most drugs, there is positive side to phentermine, but there is also a darker, more negative side.
People use phentermine because they want to lose weight. In fact, doctors even prescribe it to patients for that very reason – to help them lose weight because they are at a higher medical risk because of their weight. Of course, most people use phentermine for cosmetic purposes: in today’s society, we seem to think that we do not have room for overweight people.
How often do you see an overweight person on the cover of a fashion magazine? Almost never! It is almost as though the fashion editors do not realize that a photograph of a heavy person will fit on the cover. In our society, people are encouraged to be thin. There are billboards of thin, beautiful people all over cities. The problem is, right beneath these billboards are fast food restaurants!
It is extremely difficult to lose weight once you have gained it. In fact, for most people, it is practically impossible. That is why they turn to drugs like phentermine. Phentermine is an appetite suppressant.
For some, phentermine is the perfect drug – it decreases their hunger, and they can abstain from eating unhealthy, unnecessary food. For others, phentermine is a nightmare.
It is recommended that the drug is used only for short-term use. Unfortunately, though, it is an addictive drug, and some people have trouble using it for only a short period of time.
Phentermine is similar to amphetamines, and people can become addicted to it similarly. Of course, after 12 weeks of use (the limit of “short-term use”), an individual’s body starts to adjust to the drug and it loses its appetite-suppressing effects. Although, other tests have shown that it takes 36 weeks for the drug to start to lose its effectiveness. Nonetheless, solely based on the addictiveness of the drug, it is a good idea to limit the drug to short-term use.
Besides possible addiction (both physical and psychological), there are other side effects related to phentermine. Phentermine can increase heart rate and blood pressure, leading to restlessness, palpitations, and insomnia. There is also the chance of severe pulmonary hypertension and heart valve damage. You could also experience hallucinations, confusion, and abnormal behavior.
Less severe side effects (which are more likely to occur) include: dry mouth, diarrhea or constipation, dizziness and headaches, tremors, restlessness, anxiety, impotence or changes in your sex drive.
Be careful if you decide to take phentermine, and be sure to talk with a doctor if you experience any strange side effects (and realize that not all possible side effects are listed in the article). If you are seriously considering taking phentermine, thoroughly inform yourself about it and consult with a doctor to make sure that it is the right drug for you.
Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching, gardening, and health. For more of her articles on health and weight loss, please visit Cheap Phentermine.
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