You will only be able to eat about one cup of food at a time after you’ve had your stomach stapling surgery. This is actually a much smaller amount of food than you normally eat on a regular basis. Get down a teacup from the cupboard, not a mug, and fill it with something you normally eat. Not very much is it? This is the size your stomach will be after a year of stretching and at it’s largest your stomach may not get much more than a cup and a half of food. It’s a good idea to have a visual aid so that you can fully understand what the limits of your new stomach are going to be.
Many people who’ve had stomach stapling experience problems with overeating. It’s easy to forget how little your stomach holds and to eat too quickly. Then after a few minutes you feel very uncomfortable and in very much pain. On occasion you may take a bite of meat that is too large and it will tend to get stuck in your new small stomach. This occurs frequently right after the stomach stapling. At this time your stomach will be very small and can only hold about the size of a whiskey glass worth of food. Its very important to remember to chew all of your food thouroughly until it reaches an almost purreed consistency.
If you do find that a piece of meat gets stuck in your stomach there is a simple recipe you can mix up and try to help it pass. Take about a tablespoon of meat tenderizor and a few drops of lemon juice, mix thouroughly with a half cup of water and sip slowly. The tenderizor will of course work to break down the meats fibers so you have an easier time digesting it. While the lemon juice adds some acidity to your stomach juices.
Read more stomach stapling articles and stomach stapling surgery news or visit our stomach stapling site.
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