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Achieving a More Youthful Figure with a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction of the Iliac Areas

While no one has found a way to literally turn back the hands of time, there are certain target areas of the body that can promote a more youthful appearance. One of the most significant ideologies of youth is a flat stomach. For many women, attaining a flat stomach without a tummy tuck and liposuction of the iliac areas in the location sometimes called the love handles can seem nearly impossible, especially after pregnancy.

Why are flat stomachs a sign of youth and attractiveness?
A flat stomach also represents the wildly attractive characteristic of good health. The paunch of visible fat is in indicator of a much more deadly type of visceral fat packed around the organs. While a tummy tuck and liposuction of the iliac areas removes the unsightly subcutaneous layer of fat just under the skin, neither remove the deep-seeded visceral fat.

Staying in shape after a tummy tuck and liposuction of the iliac areas.

After achieving a flatter stomach with a liposuction and tummy tuck, keeping fat off is critical. Iliac area liposuction and tummy tucks shouldn’t be a cure for the battle of the bulge, but instead a way to start a fresh new lifestyle that promotes health and a more youthful appearance. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables along with cardiovascular exercise can work wonders to keep fat off and eliminate the dangerous visceral fat around the organs.

Who is the best candidate for a tummy tuck and liposuction of the iliac areas?

A tummy tuck is a procedure for shaping and contouring the body by removing excess skin. The best candidates are those who have extra skin and some stubborn fat deposits left over after losing weight or giving birth. Those who also wish to remove larger quantities of fat around their middle will want to combine liposuction of the iliac areas with a tummy tuck to achieve a thinner waistline and more youthful figure. As with any plastic surgery, those in good physical health and realistic expectations are quality candidates for plastic surgery.

Other procedures utilized in patients interested in tummy tuck.

Individuals interested in tummy tuck complain not only of the bulges in the tummy at the iliac or love handle areas but of a dumpy or short waisted look. In post partum women one of the most effective treatments involves not the waist but the breasts. Ptotic drooping breasts produce a short waisted appearance that may be corrected with a breast lift or mastopexy. Often these procedures may be combined with a tummy tuck and liposuction to good effect. Lifting the breast changes the balance creating a longer slimmer profile that is sometimes aided by a change in the breast size if desired. Women usually know best and are able to visualize the changes they desire.

Author is a professional copywriter and the cofounder of nGenuity Solutions.

For additional information on Tummy Tucks and Liposuction, please visit http://www.avlplasticsurgery.com

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