I’ve got a question for you.
When you get that wee bit of a desperate inkling that you, once and for all, just “HAVE TO” lose weight, what is the very first thing that pops into your mind?
Don’t you moan and groan and think to yourself, “What am I going to ‘HAVE TO’ give up?”
As soon as someone tells you or you think to yourself that you “HAVE TO” to do anything, the bratty, little kid in all of us rebels, stomps her feet, and says, “But I don’t want to! I want what I want when I want it!”
And even if you do give something up for a little while, that little kid whines and fusses until she beats you down, gets her way, and dives head first into the “forbidden.”
Try a different tactic.
The good news about this tactic: if you eat right, you don’t “HAVE TO” give up anything. I know—hard to believe, but it’s absolutely true.
The not-so-good-news: it takes your effort to find out how this is possible. (Oh, darn, you mean, Dr. Leslie, that there isn’t a skinny fairy godmother out there who, with one flick of her skinny, magic wand, will melt this fat away—and while I sleep?)
When I asked Jean Finman (Hello, Jean, you beauty) if she felt bored or deprived when she ate as we planned for her, she said, “When I’m eating healthier, I don’t feel bored or deprived.”
When I asked Ann Waltenburg (Hello, Ann, you angel on earth) if she felt bored or deprived, she said, “Not at all.”
(Okay, I have to fess up. Ian, Ann’s 10 year-old-son who lost 8 or so pounds himself, had a different story. He definitely missed some things—like pancakes and candy that his mother wouldn’t give him anymore.)
When I asked Charlotte Frazier (Hello, Charlotte, you blue-eyed, sunshine girl), she too said, “No, I don’t feel deprived or bored.”
I know it sounds incredible that you can lose weight without feeling deprived or bored or hungry, but it’s true.
And, in fact, the only way you CAN lose weight forever, without it boomeranging right back to your hips, thighs, and butt, is to feel full and satisfied—NOT deprived.
“Goodbye counting, measuring, weighing, sacrificing, starving, and guilting! It’s over between you and me—forever!”
“Hello, body. It’s so good to see you—I’ve missed you!”
The secret to getting your body back? Shhhhhhhh! Just between you and me, fill up on the good-for-you food first, and then eat the other stuff.
Oh, there are a few more secrets when it comes to losing weight, like:
1. Think addition first, then subtraction. In other words, what foods are you going to add to your day, not subtract.
2. Add 10+10 to your daily food plan—10 whole, unrefined fruits and 10 different vegetables.
3. Fill up on the premium “good-for-foods” first, then eat the “not-so-good” stuff.
And what are the premium foods? Well, with all the confusion out there, no one would argue which foods prevent cancer, as well as heart disease, diabetes, and strokes, and which foods promote health—whole, unrefined fruits and vegetables.
BINGO! Fill up on those foods first! So simple.
3. Eat until you are satisfied in your mind, not stuffed in your stomach, and then STOP EATING.
4. When you eat, ask yourself this question: “Does this food feed me or deplete?”
Make your choice, day after day after day, and accept the consequences of your lifetime of choices.
I leave you with this final thought.
Be aware.
Stand tall.
Be proud of the unique, beautiful human being
that you are.
Love yourself.
Love your body.
Be patient.
Be brave enough to open those doors to a
whole new you.
And shine your light on the world.
Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a health motivational speaker, writer, and lifestyle coach. Visit http://www.DrLeslieVanRomer.com for more inspiration.
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