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How to Lose One Pound a Year: BFJ Diet Second Follow-up

How to Lose One Pound a Year: BFJ Diet Second Follow-up

I promised that I would follow up again on the Big Fat John diet plan. I’ve dropped from 222 pounds to 199 pounds in ten weeks. I still eat normally once or twice a week, not only to stay on my diet, but to lose weight. I try to make sure I get the nutrition I need. As I said last time, at my present rate of weight loss I’ll disappear late next year.

Here is my report:

I went back on the Big Fat John Plan the week of 4-9-2006. I weighed 222 pounds at check-in. Starting at week 6-11-2009, I weighed 198 pounds. Using higher mathematics I calculate that I have lost 18 pounds or about 2.3 pounds each week. You might remember that last time I was averaging a loss of 3 pounds each week. The period-of-no-weight-loss I told you about clicked in at week 5-21-2006 and lasted for 3 weeks. Now I have started losing weight again but at a rate that is less than the official weight.

So far my shower has grown in size. I can really move around in there. I was thinking of tearing a wall out to expand the size of the bathroom off our bedroom, but I won’t have to do that now.

Also, in a similarly miraculous manner, the shirts in my closet have increased in neck size and now I can button my collars and not just slide my tie up until it looks like my collar is buttoned.

There is also the fact that my pants are also growing and I have to watch it or they will fall down.

My sleep apnea is much less evident and I need less sleep.

I can walk a couple of miles everyday with no shin splints, sore knees, shortness of breath, or loss of energy.

In a miraculous way, my feet don’t swell late in the day nearly as much. I’ve cut my blood pressure medicine in half because the cardiologist said it was fine to do so, and my daughter-in-law says, “You look great!”

She is so sweet to take time out to say that when she has 13 kids to feed and teach; as they are all home schooled, but one who is in college.

As I said in my last followup, in the current version of the Big Fat John Plan, I printed out individual sheets, one for each week of the plan. At the top of each sheet is printed Big Fat John and Week of: I actually print the starting date of each week. For example: Big Fat John Week of: 5/14.

Below the title, there is a table of 8 columns and 14 rows. That makes a cell about one inch wide and just over ¼ inch tall. There is a title row in the table. The first column says Food and the other seven are labeled Calories. The last seven columns are for the days of the week. I start with Sunday.

The reason I use one column labeled Food is that most days I eat some of the same foods and I don’t have to write them down in the day cells. Each cell gets only one food and if all the cells are filled for a day, that’s it. NO MORE FOOD!

In the day cells, I write the number of calories in the food item in that cell. If the food is not listed in the left column, I write down the name of the food too.

I don’t like to eat more than 1000-1200 calories each day. I lose weight when my caloric intake is in that range. When I get to my target weight of 187 pounds I will taper off to about 1300 calories and check to see if I’m holding weight or gaining again.

In the current campaign I stopped recording after the second week was completed. Why? Because by the end of the second week I know what I need to do to stay on the diet and I don’t need to write down what I know. However, the Chart goes up every Sunday Morning and I record my weight two or three times a week.

Let me modify my statement on not recording after the first two weeks. The chart is on the wall. If I find that I’m not losing weight, I will immediately begin to record. I had to do this about three weeks ago to get back in control.

I’ve stopped trying to measure my girth. The measurement is too inaccurate for my scientific inclination. I’ll just say this, Sam! You made the pants too big!

Unfortunately, walking does not burn many calories. What it does do is increase your metabolism. That is why it is so important to exercise everyday. I often find walking around the high school track boring. If other people are on the track, it is less boring, so I like to be out there when there are people to talk to and dogs to play with.

I’m concerned that the new clothes that I purchased look baggy. The suit coats fit better and they cover the baggy part of the pants. I’m starting to get back into some of my older clothes that had shrunk on me.

I still do not eat at night. If I really feel the pain I might eat an apple or a graham cracker with a teaspoon of peanut butter on it. As I said in the last follow-up, if I drink milk or juices I usually take a half or quarter of a glass and I’m just as satisfied as if I had a full glass. I still say to my self. Ah! I’ve got a big glass of milk and now I’m going to finish it off.

My stomach has shrunk and I’ve cut down on almost everything. Typically, I have a glass of orange juice in the morning and sometime after noon, I will fix something to eat. That is it for the day except for fresh fruit. Right now my cherries are ripe and delicious. I just go out into the yard and grab a hand full. My neighbors apricot tree is next. After that, my peaches will be ready. I’ve got cantaloupe growing in the garden and tomatoes. I’ll be snacking on those too; soon I hope.

Protein is essential to losing weight without dying of hunger pains. OfficeMax® gave me a discount for Omaha Steaks®. The little gal that took my order also had me try the potatoes a’ gratin, the hamburgers, the shish kabobs, and the stuffed fillets. We’ve got plenty of protein in the freezer.

I have a George Foreman Grill®. I just love the thing. It heats up in a matter of minutes and the heat is uniform across the grill. You can set it at any temperature you want. It cleans easily with a paper towel, takes no charcoal or lighter fluid, and is in fact, perfect. No Nasty Smoke! I love you, George Foreman!

Like I said last time, a hotdog is a simple satisfying snack.

I can not diet and go though a week without eating normally. On Sunday we no longer go to my son’s house because of my church schedule but I still ignore any consideration of calories on Sunday.

Every week I still take my wife (and sometimes my son and his wife or a couple of the grandkids) out to dinner.

We still go to the Golden Coral because we can fill up on salads before we get to the good stuff. Sometimes I just stick to protein on these visits. I ignore calories for the main part but I stay away from the desert tables.

We still go to the New China Buffet in Twin Falls.

If you decide to diet and you never binge, you will fail.

That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it. Two very obese ladies at the Golden Coral told me it was true and they should know.

As I said last time, the reason is this: If you go on a starvation diet and never binge your body will think that you are starving to death. It will shut down your metabolism and you will stop losing weight. If you binge a couple of times a week, your body will think that all is well.

Well, that is my theory.

I saw on television that Marlene Dietrich only ate every three days. I guess that is one way to do it but that would not be for me. However, I’m thinking about once every second day for a test.

Some snakes get by on one meal each month.

My program is to eat whatever you want but in small quantities.

Most men can could down to 1500 calories each day and lose weight. That is because they burn 2500 calories. For me, I guess I seldom burn over 1500 calories each day. Therefore I must drop my caloric intake lower to lose weight.

What should your caloric intake be to lose weight?

The only way I know is to experiment.

While you are experimenting make sure you are getting the vitamins and minerals that you need. Take a multivitamin everyday. Occasionally substitute one of those discount diet drinks for a meal. They come in chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla in most supermarkets and drugstores. If price is no object you can drink Insure® or another brand name instead.

The problem that must be overcome in dieting is discouragement. You will not lose the same amount of weight every week. You might even gain a pound or two.

Don’t worry about it.

Just make sure you are on your regimen.

The amount you lose every week will also taper off as it did for me. Your body has a mind of its own and it will take action if you scare it into thinking you are starving. That’s why it is important to pig-out occasionally. Just remember when you are pigging out to stay away from too many sweets and carbohydrates.

Need a shoulder to cry on? Send me an e-mail.

Let’s see!

At my present rate of weight loss I should disappear by the end of September, 2007.

The End

Diet, eating, Big Fat John, health, weight loss, losing weight, easy, simple, nutrition, Marlene Dietrich, fasting, body, response

John T. Jones, Ph.D. ([email protected], a retired VP of R&D for Lenox China, is author of detective & western novels, nonfiction (business, scientific, engineering, humor), poetry, etc. Former editor of Ceramic Industry Magazine. He is Executive Representative of IWS sellers of Tyler Hicks wealth-success books and kits. He also sells TopFlight flagpoles. He calls himself “Taylor Jones, the hack writer.”

More info: http://www.tjbooks.com

Business web site: http://www.aaaflagpoles.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_T_Jones,_Ph.D.

John T Jones, Ph.D. - EzineArticles Expert Author
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