Fats are stored at various parts of your body. They may be either stored at superficial areas or deep under internal organs. Belly is one of the areas where fats are often stored. Although it is a well known fact that fats are hard to melt, burning fat from the belly region is a far more hectic task. They are so attached to the skin and muscles that it is really hard to release them. They are known as the visceral fats and are responsible to cause many health issues including cancer and some other heart diseases. They may also lead to depression and mood disorders. People suffering from belly fat are always in search of ways to burn these fats. A low calorie diet and regular exercise is what anyone would do to achieve a healthy body, but if you are targeting your belly, you need to do something that brings effect on this area. Some of the methods to get a flat tummy are discussed below.
How to Prevent Belly Fat?
Fiber: Soluble fiber is considered as good for health and has also been observed to be helpful in preventing belly fat. Make sure that at least 30% of your body fat comprises of these soluble fibers. As per a study, it was observed that people who had good amount of this fiber in their diet gained less amount of belly fat. Fruits, vegetables, beans, eggs, and lean meat are some of the good sources of it.
Water: Water has various health benefits to the body. It detoxifies your body from toxins that prevent the melting and breakdown of fats. It is advised to have about 8 glasses of water in a day. Water also brings feeling of satiation and fights your hunger pangs. A glass or two of water just before eating will prevent you from consuming excessive calories. Replace your beverages with water. Stop consuming sugar rich drinks and have water instead of them.
Fruits: Fruits are considered to be the best food that you can have. It was observed that people who have blueberries regularly were less susceptible to gaining fats. They were also observed to be less prone to developing diseases like diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases. Grapefruit is also a good option for preventing belly fat since it is low-glycemic as well as helps in burning fats. Some other fruits that are helpful in preventing belly fat are oranges, watermelon, kiwi and lemons. Make a habit of having a fruit with every meal.
Portion Size: It has been observed that having small portions of food several times a day is more helpful in weight loss than having 2 or 3 large meals. Smaller meals keep your body metabolism high and help to burn more amount of fats. Include snacks like low-fat yogurt, popcorn, apples, almonds, grapes and whole grain crackers in your food.
Exercising: Moderate and high intensity exercises are known to prevent visceral fat accumulation at your belly. Many chronic diseases may arise due to this fat accumulation. As per a study it is observed that the more you exercise and the more intense you get, more is the amount of fat that you lose with exercising. Your exercise program should be composed of both cardio and strength training exercises. There should be a balance between the two of them. Whatever exercise you do must speed up your heart beat rate and make you sweat. It should increase your body metabolism.
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