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To scrap oil and eliminate edema, follow to eat like this

Edema for women, almost everywhere, specifically the main reason causing the female edema is usually the insufficient female body digestive system operation, making too much salt residue and affecting water discharge in the body, so that fat accumulation, with detoxification poor, resulting in different degrees of disorder of decreased immunity and metabolism of the body and the emergence of circular.Following recommend you several effective food for the elimination of edema, through the diet to prevent and eliminate edema, but also have effect reducing weight, at the same time to speed up the process of slimming.<a href=”http://www.botanicalslimming.net/”>Meizitang Slimming Soft Gel</a> will make your slimming career promising and couple with balanced nutrition and moderate exercise,slimming becoms so easy.


Kelp is a kind of food making people more and more thinner.And Kelp is particularly effective for obesity caused by decreased hypothyroidism, eliminating edema. In addition, its full fiber content can fill the stomach, make your stomach feel full, very beneficial for weight loss. Modern studies have shown that kelp can indeed eliminate fat, reduce the deposition of fat in the heart, blood vessels and intestinal wall, and promote exclusion of cholesterol, so called the “scraping” food.


Potato contains rich nutrient and inorganic salts, and high potassium content in inorganic salts, potassium is extremely important for weight loss, in addition to maintaining acid-base balance in the body to prevent the acidic physique, reducing the opportunity of obesity and also can help the body discharge sodium in the body due to too much salt intake, promoting the body discharging the excess water.

Red bean

Red beans are rich in potassium, can prevent the acidic physique to improve obesity like potatoes; saponin ormosia it contains has the strong diuretic effect,very effective for the face, foot edema treatment for kidney function decline . In addition, red bean is the preferred food for women reducing weight.


Grapefruit is the stimulant of lymph gland, can nourish the body tissue cells and can display the effect on obesity and  stranded body water, so as to effectively eliminate obesity and edema. In addition, grapefruit contains valuable natural vitamin P and vitamin C, and a large number of soluble cellulose. Among them, vitamin P can enhance the skin and shrink pores, is conducive to skin health and beauty. Vitamin C can participate in the human collagen synthesis, promote the antibody generation, to enhance the body’s detoxification function, help to lose weight.


The banana contains rich cellulose, with very good effect in satiety, and banana is high in potassium content, high content of potassium can help the body to eliminate sodium in the body, effectively improving the edema, and is a good detox diet food.

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