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HCG What To Eat While On HCG Diet

HCG diets are well planned and designed to cater weight loss but there aren’t many options available in the original diet chart put by Dr. Simeon.  Presently HCG diets allow its followers to eat from a wide range of veggies, fruits and even lean meat. So If you like to try this diet then you should be aware of those edible items which you can eat until the end of the program.

HCG diet food lists

When you start taking the HCG supplement you will have to run into a crash diet of 500 calories a day and that too from a limited choice of food stuffs that are free fat and devoid of carbs.

You can start the day with black coffee without any sugar added. Artificial sweeteners are allowed but not all varieties except stevia or saccharin. Usually a tea spoon of milk is allowed during a day so you can use that with your black tea if needed but remember not more than a spoon.

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For having your three time meals you can choose from the following foods varieties:

Tasty proteins – if you are a meat lover and cannot stay away from them you can consume lean fish varieties like, shrimp, crabs, lobsters and white fishes (rohu, red fish, shark and flying fish etc.) Love to eat chickens? Then don’t worry you can munch on breast pieces for any one time of a day. You can also have lean meats from beef, veal’s and those which are fat free. The above foods cannot be oil fried and can only be grilled or broiled for eating. Make sure to clean all the visible fats before consuming them.

For those who love to eat veggies and for those who don’t

Veggies have to be a part of any diet avoiding them is like avoiding good health. If you love or don’t love veggies it is a must for you to consume during HCG diets.  Consuming veggies will keep you fuller and also help the digestive tract to stay fit as they are loaded with fibers. Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked but not toped or seasoned with any kind of fats.  Here is a list of veggies that you can intake during this diet: spinach, celery, red radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, onions and beets. Most of the HCG diets suggest you to have one veggie for dinner as well as for lunch.  When you eat veggies as per recommended your body will get replenished with essential vitamins and minerals that are required by the body for its metabolism. So do not cheat and munch on these super foods to lose weight in a healthy manner.

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Can you drink and eat snacks, beverages?

Well yes you can go for a cracker or something which is low in calories during mid meal times. Certain fruits like strawberries, oranges, apples are allowed once a day. For drinks you can drink lemonades, tea and coffee without any sugar or milk added. Drinking loads of water is also very essential as it helps to eliminate unwanted items out of the body and help in the rejuvenation process.

Conclusion:  Dieting involves hardships so when you are taking up a program get yourself enrolled under a dietician or an expert as it will be more safe and good for your health.

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