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Fighting Obesity with Bariatric Surgeries

The key to a healthy lifestyle is a proper diet and exercise is. Maintaining an appropriate weight is also the result of sticking to a healthy lifestyle. Gaining excess weight and obesity causes various other lifestyle-related ailments which can be eventually fatal. Although, obesity in itself may not cause fatality; it does increase the risk of complications and is even more alarming if an individual is already suffering from type-2 diabetes; hypertension, etc.

Some of the reasons for obesity have been recognized as incorporate dietary problems and hereditary issues. Bariatric surgery is regularly the last option when conventional techniques for treating obesity have failed. Bariatric surgeries have been known to have successfully reduced various forms of obesity with a high percentage of success.

At Global Hospitals, the doctors employ a gastric band or use a gastric bypass which reduces the size of the stomach and thereby resulting in decline of appetite. This leads to a certain weight loss in the long run. Surgical procedure encompasses those procedures that seek to reduce weight and obesity by means of surgically reducing the stomach.

Patients are advised an exercise regimen post a bariatric surgery and must follow a healthy eating habit. This is the only way to accrue maximum benefit out of a successful bariatric surgery. Of course, there are also several non-surgical options to bring about weight-loss. Doctors would typically look at the surgical interventions as the last resort.

In the recent past the minimal access surgery option has become an increasingly preferred option for the treatment various kinds of abdominal issues. Laparoscopic technology which involves the use of a tiny fiber-optic camera, video imaging, and new energy sources for cutting helps improve the practice of surgery to a great extent.

It is now possible to perform the surgeries with one or more small incisions, instead of one large incision. Using just a small camera and surgical instruments that are inserted through incisions, surgeries are performed with relative ease & efficiency. These procedures result in less pain, shorter hospital stays, rapid recovery and fewer effects on the functioning of the pulmonary and immune systems when compared to open surgeries.

Some of the advantages of Minimal Access Surgery are enumerated – less pain, fewer complications, decreased blood loss, shorter recovery, quicker ambulation, and quicker resumption of diet.

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