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Eating and Drinking During Exercise: What to Do Avoid

Eating and drinking during exercise can help ensure optimal performance and hydration, but it's important to know what to consume and what to avoid to prevent digestive issues and adverse effects on performance.

What to consume during exercise:

Water: Hydration is key, especially during prolonged or intense exercise. Drink small amounts of water at regular intervals rather than trying to chug a large amount all at once.

Sports drinks: If you are exercising for more than an hour or at a high intensity, a sports drink with carbohydrates and electrolytes can replenish energy and hydration losses.

Small snacks: If you will be exercising for over an hour and have difficulty managing hunger, consume easily digestible snacks like bananas, granola bars, or energy gels between 30 to 60 minutes after starting exercise. Avoid high-fat and high-fiber foods that can cause stomach upset.

What to avoid during exercise:

Highly processed foods: Avoid sugary snacks or treats as they can cause a short-term energy spike followed by a crash.

Heavy meals: Have your meal at least 1-3 hours before your workout to prevent gastrointestinal discomfort.

Alcohol: This can negatively impact performance and cause dehydration.

Caffeine (except small amounts): Can dehydrate or lead to a diuretic effect.

High-fiber foods: These foods can take a longer time to digest and create a risk of stomach distress.

Excessive dairy: While foods may appear nutritious, they may not necessarily be effective during exercise and may instead cause gut issues.

Remember, individual tolerances and nutritional needs may vary, so what works for one person might not work for another. Consult a sports nutritionist or registered dietitian to create a personalized nutrition plan specific to your needs and exercise goals.

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