We all know about the health benefits to exercise. There is less of an emphasis on the inner reasons to exercise. There are many, many inner reasons to be as fit inside as outside.
Begin shifting your perceptions of movement from something that you have to do to lose weight or change your body, to more immediate gratifying internal factors:
* instant gratification of enhanced psychological well-being.
* movement feels good.
* social aspects of exercise (work out with a friend or trainer).
* stress reduction.
* connection with body.
* better sleep.
* relaxation.
* eating better.
* opportunity to be outside.
* breathing fresh air.
* thinking clearer.
* movement is something you want to do (not something you should do).
Another main difference is that active people expect fitness to be fun, while inactive people dread the event. Of course, it you haven’t been active in a while, it may take a while for exercise to feel good. It’s normal that you’ll be out of shape, out of breath, and have a tendency to get sore if you overdo it. So how do you take an activity that’s foreign and give it a positive spin? Go slow and don’t overwork things in the beginning.
Treat your body gently and with loving kindness. Find ways to focus on the IMMEDIATE payoffs of the exercise itself, such as feeling better, learning new skills, or having fun, or better yet — reward yourself. Develop a daily, weekly, and monthly reward list. Get a tape recorder and stroke yourself with “Yes I can” messages. Pay yourself, and enlist others to contribute to your fund. Our partners are always asking how they can help us achieve our goals, so involve them somehow in the process. Make this time for yourself and being with yourself or exercise with others. Mostly, make it enjoyable!
As you exercise, check in with yourself. How are you feeling – a higher self-esteem, feeling better about yourself, having fun??? Remember these wonderful feelings so you’ll actually want to enjoy them again!
Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, CLC,
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Back On Track Facilitator
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