Losing weight by exercising may not be as easy as it sounds. Sometimes, it happens that instead of losing weight, you have actually gained some weight. It is really unbelievable but is true. Nothing can be more frustrating than this for people who are trying to lose weight. They are taking so much effort to get rid of those extra pounds but they fail to yield any satisfactory results. In such a scenario, it is important to identify the underlying cause behind this problem.
Reasons Behind Weight Gain
When you discover that there is weight gain after exercising, lots of self-doubts are bound to jumble up your mind. You keep asking yourself various questions like, is there anything seriously wrong with me, should I exercise more and eat less and many more. I would like to advise you not to get panicked. Here I am trying to unfold the possible reasons that can lead to weight gain.
Gaining of Muscle Mass
For beginners, gaining weight and dieting is quite common. This happens as muscle mass is built up due to the exercise program. You may be losing fat but they are being replaced with muscles. Since muscles are heavier as compared to fat, you find that there is weight gain. However, the cause of increase in weight is useful muscle mass and not any unwanted fat. In this way, your body becomes healthier with the help of exercising.
Exercising the Wrong Way
Walking, dancing, yoga are some of the best forms of exercises for weight loss. Do not select those exercises which focus upon any one particular muscle group. Any exercise that targets more number of muscle groups is beneficial as more calories will be burned off in the process. Moreover, any exercise can help you to lose weight only when it is done correctly. Suppose, while doing walking exercise, you end up strolling in the garden for 45 minutes, it is not going to burn any calories. Rather, you have to walk at a decent pace for 45 minutes, at least, 4-5 times every week. Then you may see some results at the end of, say, 3 weeks. As your fitness level increases, you have to enhance the intensity of workout too so that more calories can be lost.
Eating Extra Calories
When we start exercising, many of us stop keeping a watch on the quantity of calorie intake. As a result, we may end up eating more calories than we can actually burn out with exercises. A weight loss program becomes successful when dieting and exercises go hand in hand. If you have raised the number of calories in your diet, then you have to either intensify the workout or there should be an increase in the number of days you are exercising in a week. This is essential to eliminate those additional calories.
Not Eating Sufficient Calories
While following a fat loss diet, it often happens that you supply lesser amount of calories to the body, than what it actually needs. It is a big mistake and hence, should be avoided. Due to the absence of sufficient calories, your body slows down its rate of metabolism to preserve energy. In the process, the fat reserves of your body increase and you gain weight. For this reason, it is very important to include right kind of food. It should have all the nutrients that are essential for normal functioning of the body, including fats and carbohydrates. These two nutritional components provide us with useful energy and hence, should not be stopped completely. You can cut down on the quantity of the meals but increase the number of meals accordingly, so that you do not feel very hungry very frequently.
Underlying Medical Problem
There are people who exercise regularly with full dedication and follow a proper diet, yet there is weight gain. Here, the cause of weight gain could be some underlying health issue, like thyroid problem or menopause. Even some hormonal problems can make it difficult to maintain body weight. Under all such circumstances, you should consult a doctor for the treatment of your health problems. Sometimes, birth control pills and cholesterol-lowering medications can be responsible for this unexpected weight gain.
Excessive Mental Stress
Stress is another major factor that can make you gain weight while exercising. When your mind and body are not free from stress, it is likely that you do not get enough sleep at night. Research studies have found that a good sleep will help in weight loss. Try to get rid of stress and catch up with an extra hour of sleep so that you can yield maximum benefits from exercising.
After reading this article, I hope you could figure out the problem which is hampering your weight loss program. Try to bring about some changes and carry out your workout program regularly in a disciplined manner and I am sure your efforts will be paid off very soon.
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