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Best Weight Loss Plan Must Haves

Losing weight and keeping it off is not a simple task. If it was ob

How to Work from Home without Gaining Weight!

It happened so fast; I gained 15 pounds in my first four months of

Lack of Sleep and Weight Gain

How many of you are not getting enough sleep? I would have to say a

One Fat Nation Under Food, Indigestible, with French Fries and Donuts for All

What do you think of a nation that got fatter and fatter? Just look

Is Stress Causing Your Weight Gain?

There was an article in my local paper last week about the relation

Food Combining: The Little-Understood Secret to Optimal Health & Weight Revealed

Steak and potatoes, tuna-noodle casserole, scrambled eggs with toas

Doing Away with a Weight Loss Plateau

As there are countless benefits to be gained from health and fitnes

How to Lose Weight the Healthy Way without Dieting

If you have become overweight or if you have been overweight for a

Five Money and Calorie Saving Tips

During this recession we are all trying to save a few bucks. I hav

Don't Diet Ever Again!

Seeking Help and Support is step #2 in ending the battle of chronic

Can Dieting Make You Dumb?

Youve heard it again and again: diets dont work. But heres a new o

Is Your Metabolism Burning the Wrong Fuel?

The biggest reason people struggle with fatigue and weight gain is

Weight Loss Basics -- Calories In, Calories Out

The Simple Truth Pay close attention to the next sentence, for it c

How Others React When Your Weight Changes

One of the tendencies of human nature is to compare ourselves with

New Years Evolution

Every January, after your judging mind puts you on trial and finds

Get Rid of Chronic Health Problems with Weight Loss

Although millions of people spend billions of dollars each year on

5 Diet Red Flags to Avoid

A short time ago, I received a promotional booklet in the mail from

7 Keys to Choosing the Best Supplements

With thousands of nutritional supplements on the market today, how

Whole Foods vs. Antioxidant Supplements for Optimal Health

Hundreds of studies done over the last few decades have shown the b

Weight Loss and Diabetes

In the United States there are 23.6 million children and adults who

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