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Can Specific Proteins and Carbs Keep Weight Off?

We have always heard that calories in versus calories out is the hard

Is Marijuana Good for You? The Answers May Surprise You

Now that recreational marijuana use is legal in some states, studies i

Can weight loss reduce the need for blood pressure medication?

If youre overweight, losing even 5 pounds (2.3 kilograms) can lower yo

Pregnancy and obesity: Know the risks

Being obese during pregnancy can have a major impact on your h

Colon cancer screening: Weighing the options

If your doctor has recommended colon cancer screening, you mig


Mayo Clinic researchers are investigating

Can antidepressants cause weight gain?

Weight gain is a possible side effect of nearly all antidepressants. H

Insulin and weight gain: Keep the pounds off

Weight gain is a common side effect for people who take insuli

Is indulgence part of a healthy diet?

Sure, you know the importance of eating healthy foods and watc

Do weighted hula hoops provide a good workout, or are they just a gimmick?

Weighted hula hoops can be a good addition to your exercise program, e

Can Ginkgo biloba prevent memory loss and improve cognitive function?

Ginkgo biloba, derived from the leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree, is o

Menopause weight gain: Stop the middle age spread

As you get older, you might notice that maintaining your usual

Could ankle weights help me get more out of my usual walking routine?

Ankle weights generally arent recommended for brisk walking. Although

How do I control stress-induced weight gain?

When youre under stress, you may find it harder to eat healthy. Also,

Can stress cause hair loss?

Yes, stress and hair loss can be related. Three types of hair loss tha

Weight training: Improve your muscular fitness

Related articleStrength training: How-to video collection Your

How you prepare

If you qualify for gastric bypass or other weight-loss surger

Pregnancy weight gain: Whats healthy?

Like it or not, eating for two isnt a license to eat twice as

7 signs and symptoms not to ignore

Chest pain, sudden loss of vision or speech, and severe abdomi


As with any major surgery, gastric bypass and other weight-lo

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