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Losing weight: What works?

If you need to lose weight, take simple steps to improve your

If I switch to a vegetarian diet, will I lose weight?

Not necessarily. A vegetarian diet is not inherently a weight-loss die

What is brown fat? How is it different from other body fat?

Brown fat, also called brown adipose tissue, is a special type of body

Can natural diuretics reduce fluid retention and help with weight loss?

Some herbs and dietary supplements, such as dandelion, ginger, parsley

Whats the Flat Belly Diet, and can it help you lose weight?

The Flat Belly Diet is a weight-loss diet from the editors of Preventi

Does eating a healthy breakfast help control weight?

Research suggests that regularly eating a healthy breakfast may help y

When to see a doctor

If youre losing weight without trying and youre not sure why,


Unexplained weight loss has many causes, medical and nonmedica

Has the HCG diet been shown to be safe and effective?

No on both counts. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration has advis

Control your portions, control your weight

When it comes to heart health, how much you eat is as importan

Low-carb diet: Can it help you lose weight?

A low-carb diet limits carbohydrates — such as those fou

Atkins Diet: Whats behind the claims?

The Atkins Diet is a popular low-carbohydrate eating plan crea

South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet is a popular weight-loss diet created in

Gastric bypass surgery: Who is it for?

Gastric bypass surgery is the most common type of weight-loss

Want to lose weight? Eat more fiber

High-fiber foods generally take longer to chew. This gives you

Belly fat in men: Why weight loss matters

If youre carrying a few extra pounds, youre not alone. But thi

Im trying to lose weight. Should I cut back on coffee?

It depends on the type of coffee you drink. A plain cup of brewed coff

Weve heard that eating negative-calorie foods might be a good diet strategy. But what exactly are they?

The Internet abounds with lists of purported negative-calorie foods &m

What is the cabbage soup diet? Can it help me lose weight?

The cabbage soup diet is generally considered a fad diet. As the name

Can I lose weight if my only exercise is walking?

You might be able to lose weight that way, depending on the duration a

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